
KashmirWanePeyndZubin Mehta

Zubin Mehta’s Planned Concert Must be Opposed: It is an Affront to the Muslim Personality of Kashmir

Zubin Mehta, the Indian/Israeli Conductor/Music Director must not be allowed to perform in Kashmir, it is deeply offensive to our Islamic sensitivities. As has been rightly pointed out by prominent public figures like Syed Ali Shah Geelani, this concert, if held, will send wrong signals to the world that Kashmir is now absolutely peaceful.

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Afzal GuruKashmirKashmir Freedom PoliticsUnfair ExecutionWanePeynd

Afzal Guru’s Execution

Writing about the late Afzal Guru’s hanging in Tihar jail on February, 9th 2013, Miss Arundhati Roy has rightly remarked “What sets Guru’s killing apart is that, unlike those tens of thousands who died in prison cells, his life and death were played out in the blinding light of day in which all the institutions of Indian democracy played their part in putting him to death.”

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Kashmiri Taliban in the offing!

Pakistani leadership engrossed with trivial domestic political considerations, and vested interests, is almost totally oblivious of the happenings across the borders. In fact security of the State is not their concern. This column relates to a machiavellian conspiracy being hatched by India to deflect the ongoing indigenous freedom movement in IHK, cause commotion in AJK and to give a new sinister dimension to its orchestrated propaganda against Pakistan as being a State which harbours terrorism.

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KashmirUN Human Rights CouncilWanePeynd

Agreement and Disagreement in Geneva*

There could be hardly any disagreement on agitating the Right of Self-Determination of all people of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, on highlighting the violations of human rights of all manner, prisoner’s rights, on the question of people’s empowerment, gender equality, opportunities for a decent living, corruption free administration, freedom of press, rule of law and on the will of the people as the basis of any government in Srinagar, Muzaffarabad and Gilgit.

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