
EgyptMohammad MorsiMuslim BrotherhoodWanePeynd

No Tears for Morsi: The Earlier he Goes, the Better for Everyone

President Mohammad Morsi of Egypt is facing a massive challenge to his presidency, and in all probability, the Ikhwan leader will have to quit. If that really happens, it should not come as a total surprise: keen students of Islamic Movement and political Islam like myself had predicted such an outcome right at the very start.

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EgyptMiddle EastUprisingsWanePeynd

Mubarak has Pushed the Protestors to the Wall

The uprising in Egypt is now more than two weeks old, and Mubarak has once again refused to step down. To be precise, stepping down or aside didn’t find any mention in his speech delivered today (10/02/11) at about 11 PM Egypt standard time. fearing from day one strong reprisals from the Mubarak regime against the demonstrators, but that did not happen.

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