Author: Dr. Syed Mohammad Inayatullah Andrabi

MI Publications - English

3 requirements that can unite pro azadi camp

The talk of unity among the pro-freedom groups in Kashmir is as old as the current movement. Recently some Hurriyat leaders, among them Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the senior leader, have been talking about it. Here, I intend to make some submissions in this regard, but first let me allude to the bigger problem of which this is only a symptom. The bigger problem is the non-existence of a genuine as opposed to fake, manoeuvred, and engineered (by intelligence agencies) politics in Kashmir. This is an issue of far greater importance with huge implications for the future of Kashmir and the socio-cultural progress of its people.

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KashmirWanePeyndZubin Mehta

Zubin Mehta’s Planned Concert Must be Opposed: It is an Affront to the Muslim Personality of Kashmir

Zubin Mehta, the Indian/Israeli Conductor/Music Director must not be allowed to perform in Kashmir, it is deeply offensive to our Islamic sensitivities. As has been rightly pointed out by prominent public figures like Syed Ali Shah Geelani, this concert, if held, will send wrong signals to the world that Kashmir is now absolutely peaceful.

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EgyptMohammad MorsiMuslim BrotherhoodWanePeynd

No Tears for Morsi: The Earlier he Goes, the Better for Everyone

President Mohammad Morsi of Egypt is facing a massive challenge to his presidency, and in all probability, the Ikhwan leader will have to quit. If that really happens, it should not come as a total surprise: keen students of Islamic Movement and political Islam like myself had predicted such an outcome right at the very start.

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Afzal GuruKashmirKashmir Freedom PoliticsUnfair ExecutionWanePeynd

Afzal Guru’s Execution

Writing about the late Afzal Guru’s hanging in Tihar jail on February, 9th 2013, Miss Arundhati Roy has rightly remarked “What sets Guru’s killing apart is that, unlike those tens of thousands who died in prison cells, his life and death were played out in the blinding light of day in which all the institutions of Indian democracy played their part in putting him to death.”

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MI Publications - English

Invoking Freedom to Justify Blasphemy Most Stupid Thing

“What is the recent blasphemous film ‘Innocence of Muslims’? Do they represent speech or ridicule and abuse? Making fun, using filthy language, mockery and ridicule, does it constitute speech? No, it does not, so the question of freedom does not arise in the first place. The United States by invoking freedom of speech, is actually advocating freedom to abuse, denigrate Islam, the values of Islam, its sanctities, and its noble personalities,” Kashmiri author and political analyst Dr. Syed M. Inayatullah Andrabi said in an interview with Fars News Agency.

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Kashmir Freedom PoliticsUN Human Rights CouncilUN ResolutionsWanePeynd

UN Resolutions on Kashmir: Recent Skirmishes in the Camp of Kashmir’s Freedom Politics

Professor Abdul Ghani Bhat, a senior Hurriyat leader, recently made a statement about UN Security Council Resolutions which triggered a hostile reaction from some other groups in the Freedom camp, Hurriyat and non-Hurriyat. To be fair to Prof. Ghani, he did not focus on UN Resolutions per se; his argument related to their relevance and capability to bring about the resolution of Kashmir conflict.

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MI Publications - English

Pakistan’s Terrorist Problem: The Monster Cannot be Killed Without First Knowing it

Pakistan, alongside India, emerged as a sovereign state in 1947, but unlike India it could not put in place a credible system of governance, and the country has been oscillating between Army rule and the civilian. Without going into the analysis and discussion of individual events and situations, if we look at the situation of Pakistan, as it has developed over the past 65 years, the most profound and undeniable statement that can be made is: Proper and genuine politics have not developed in Pakistan till date. We could move further on to substantiate this statement, but will not, simply because this, per se, is not our subject of discussion here. However, it would be worthwhile to note that the biggest event that happened to Pakistan after its emergence in 1947 was its break-up in two in 1971.

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