Author: Dr. Syed Mohammad Inayatullah Andrabi

Kashmir Update

The gunning down of Wasim Bari, the so-called BJP leader of Bandipora in Kashmir

Wasim Bari, the so-called BJP leader of Bandipora in Kashmir has been gunned down. We strongly condemn any and every act of terrorism, but in all fairness terrorism is not the issue here, betrayal.

The real issue here is betrayal and treachery of which this BJP leader, a despicable nut, clown to the core, was guilty of. Dying the death of a traitor—-can there be a worse end to life than that??? I won’t be surprised if no one accepts to lead his jinazah—-funeral prayer.

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MI Publications - English

Modi Has Tasked Mehbooba and her Henchmen with a Murderous Mission in Kashmir

As I write these lines, the current uprising has entered its third month. By all standards it is an extraordinary feat defying expectations not only of foes, but friends as well, myself included. That said, we are not talking here of a show of performance i.e. how best the actors have performed, rather it is a people’s movement geared to the achievement of concrete objectives, our focus, therefore, should be how far the Movement has been, and/or is going to be, successful in delivering those objectives. That the Movement has sustained for so long is in itself a fact of enormous political significance, but, nonetheless, some areas of concern need to be identified, and the enemy’s strategy looked at.

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MI Publications - English

For the Consideration of Freedom Movement Leaders

Once again we have an uprising in Kashmir. Essentially there is nothing new about it, apart from the fact that this time it was Burhan Wani”s custodial killing, and subsequent brutality by government forces that added fuel to the already existing fire, and brought people on streets.

Kashmir”s well-wishers everywhere are deeply concerned about two things, namely: how long the current uprising will sustain and, more importantly, how effective it will be in delivering results. In these lines, I will first make some constructive comments on the ongoing Freedom Movement (Hurriyat G, Hurriyat M and others), and then towards the end, in all humbleness, make a practical suggestion with sustainability and effectiveness as the two main considerations.

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