Author: Ajaz Khan

That Was The Day

A Day When Humans Were Sold!

Our world, inhabited by the supreme creation that we call Humans, witnessed the rise and fall of many empires over its history. History has many distinctive aspects that turn it to an exceptional entity thereby letting people of all ages, colours, and tastes to oscillate about its timeline and get a line of events from diversified perspectives arriving at conclusions, though diversified in nature. That is the essence of history and its timeline is an axis of that essence. The influence of events of history do not just lock up to the walls and barricades of the time they occur in, however, it stretches across many generations of human society directly affecting their lives.

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Kashmir Aspires for Deep Introspection!

Kashmir is in tangled mess created by all the stakeholders involving the camp known by the name Freedom camp. Let us embrace the fact and the fact of the matter is that this mess was initiated by none other than by those who claim to be the champions of the ‘Kashmir cause’. The current movement has its genesis from the later part of 1989 when a group of men or groups of men just created a hullabaloo and set the tune in for this movement. With this the foundation stone of the chaos and confusion was laid down.

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That Was The Day

India’s Occupation Began With Murder!

The sun rises every day from the horizon of eastern sphere of universe and uncovers the mute darkness to the serene morning of hope, dignity, self-esteem and justice for all the creatures of the world. However, on 27th Oct six decades ago, the morning as usual was serene and nurturing the life when suddenly at 9:30 it was bustled and tyrannized when illegal Indian army landed at the Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) airport. The mornings thereafter have not ceased to appear, they do appear as they ought to follow the universal laws but their appearances have been laden with despair, ignominy, insecurity and unjustness.

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