Vision Statement

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…When it comes to Islam’s vision of future, one has to understand that past has not to be recreated; it cannot be, and above all, it need not be. Any such move is essentially suicidal—–being in violation with the Sunnah of Allah(SWT)—, is bound to be socially chaotic, and historically futile. In an ever changing human condition and social environment, the timeless truth of Islam will emerge and flourish in new colours and manifestations possibly hitherto not witnessed. That is because, first, Allah (SWT) is ever living (Quran 2:255), every moment in a state (of glory) (Quran 55:29), and , second, His last Messenger, the Beloved Prophet Mohammad (SAAW) is for all ages and for all people to come. Allah(SWT) has bound the believers in a timeless bond with the beloved Messenger: Whether present on this worldly/physical plane or not, Prophet Mohammad(SAAW) is closer to believers than their own selves, has a greater claim on the faithful than they have on themselves (Quran 33:6). Those being the well defined and firmly set parameters, the men and women of Faith, while learning from past, have to act today, with a view to shape the tomorrow….

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