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UN Resolutions on Kashmir: Recent Skirmishes in the Camp of Kashmir’s Freedom Politics

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Professor Abdul Ghani Bhat, a senior Hurriyat leader, recently made a statement about UN Security Council Resolutions which triggered a hostile reaction from some other groups in the Freedom camp, Hurriyat and non-Hurriyat. To be fair to Prof. Ghani, he did not focus on UN Resolutions per se; his argument related to their relevance and capability to bring about the resolution of Kashmir conflict. We are not here to analyze his statement and others’ responses to it, we have to make a point in the wider context, and at a deeper level.

Let us start by recognizing the distinction between two inter-related elements, namely, a problem and its solution. As aware and conscious beings with a definite outlook on life, we must have a view about a problem, any problem, we are speaking in most general terms here, and not just a view, but a firm conviction according to timeless standards of truth, justice and fairness. Conviction does not need to be popular; if I see an innocent person murdered, I will regard it as an evil act, even if the whole world disagrees with my position, and even if I too give up my position, this act of murder will continue to remain an evil act because evil is intrinsic to it and does not depend on my or somebody else’s endorsement. As regards the other element, namely, the solution, there is no intrinsic good or evil in it; its goodness or badness depends on its capability to deliver the results, and solve the problem. Solution relates to practical and strategic domain, and true, like any other activity in the practical domain, it too has to fall within the broad parameters of what is right and legitimate.

After this brief conceptual intro, we can now come down to specifics and talk about Kashmir problem and solution. At this point, before proceeding ahead, I must mention that some eight years ago the then president of Pakistan, Mr Parvez Musharraf had made some similar controversial statements about UN Resolutions and plebiscite, and I had immediately commented on it. I sincerely request all the readers to go through that write-up of mine which is available at

I had said then, and I reproduce it here, that “Plebiscite, it should be noted, is not part of the Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir; it has been and still is for most of the supporters of Kashmir cause and for Pakistan as well, a preferred tool and a practical mechanism for the solution of this issue. It is not part of our conviction on what the dispute of Kashmir is; the core of that conviction is that India’s presence in, and sovereignty over, Kashmir is completely illegitimate, and must be ended. Since it is not a matter of belief or conviction where the value is intrinsic, we have to look for the value of plebiscite in its capacity to deliver the results, its ability to unlock the issue and set the things going. If it fails in that, it gets devalued, I am afraid.” That was 2004, eight years further down the line, the talk of solution has become even more urgent, and we must remember this urgency will go on increasing as the problem continues to fester. People cannot live for ever with problems, that too with a problem so central to their lives as the Kashmir problem. The voices for a solution will definitely arise, and should. People have to be talking about solutions, they have to be innovative and creative, there is nothing wrong about it, but what is absolutely needed is a sense of responsibility and commitment, that too on both sides, the proponents as well as the opponents of new solutions. Let us elaborate:

We can safely assume that within the freedom camp there are groups who will articulate new solutions and strategies, and those who will oppose it and insist on the classical paradigm, i.e. UN Resolutions and neo-classical i.e Tripartite talks. New solutions are always welcome, BUT, and that is a strong ‘but’, those who articulate should do so after due home work, and with a great sense of responsibility. It is not enough to offer a new way of coming out of a difficult situation, what is equally important, if not more, is a clear guarantee that this new solution leads to the proper destination. That is, the new solution does not only change the situation(for better), but also resolves the problem underlying the present state of agony. It will be purely a selfish act if the new solutions are offered only with a view to somehow change the current situation and bring about ‘peace’ without fully addressing the real problem, and making sure that it is justly resolved. We call it selfish because such solutions will only complicate the problem, and we will be simply transferring the burden to our future generations, leaving for them a Kashmir Problem lot more complicated than it is now. The onus of explaining to people how a new solution, not only works(as opposed to the classical ones which are considered not to have worked), but also resolves the underlying problem, squarely lies with the proponents of new solutions. That is where the responsibility factor comes in.

Those opposing the new solutions have their own burden of responsibility: they cannot oppose new voices simply for occupying the moral high ground and/or playing to their respective galleries, they have to come up with a convincing argument and a realistic explanation of how the classical solutions can be made to work. The onus on them, though different, is no less heavy: if their solutions are trusted to solve the underlying problem, they, in the first place, need to get their own minds clear about how these solutions will be made to actually work, and then, they should make a credible case—- clearly reflecting their concern for the peoples sufferings, and their understanding of political realities in and outside Kashmir—-for persisting with the classical paradigm. Sticking to old solutions or offering new ones, both, are not intrinsically wrong approaches as long as the proponents, first, understand the merits and strategic wisdom of their respective approaches, and then own up the responsibility of properly arguing them out before the public at large.

About Blogger:
Dr. Syed M. Inayatullah Andrabi is the founder convenor of Mahazi-Islami, Occupied Kashmir. He is an intellectual-political activist from Srinagar, capital city of occupied Kashmir.

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20 thoughts on “UN Resolutions on Kashmir: Recent Skirmishes in the Camp of Kashmir’s Freedom Politics

  • Aba Abdullah


  • Aijaz Ahmed

    I agree with Aba Abdullah, below, that this piece is a must read for those who, claimant or otherwise, associate themselves with the freedom camp. Furthermore, I feel this piece should be pushed in dailies as well so that it reaches to broader spectrum of audience.

    Kashmir issue has already been compounded and a mess that has developed around it, over the years, is a direct consequence of the incapability of our freedom camp. Do these players involved in the freedom understand Kashmir issue? I doubt keeping in view the different views that these players express on different forums and platforms. The irony is that they cannot agree upon a common thing, idea or goal, that runs across them and what would one expect from them to deliver.

    As the blogger rightly pointed out that it is about the deliverable, the legitimate solution, which should be the goal of any process or method evolved. However, nothing seems to appear from the camp even after these 20 years of misery. That is why I am of the view now that Kashmir issue should be discussed in colleges and university as it would offer innovative approach to the issue.

  • Farooq Ahmed Tawheedi ex-Chairman Muslim League Jammu and Kashmir

    As-Salam alaikum….This is a nice effort and i personally like it and appreciate the organizers of Mahazi Islami.and particular Dr,Innayatullah Andrabi sb…..w/s. with kind regard F A Tawheedi

  • Ahmad Nazeer Motta

    Egoism is still prevalent among the Freedom Camp leadership even to the extend that ther are single man party claiming working for Kashmir resolution. Believe me , I am of the opinion that 90% of those leaders might not have read UN Resolutions fully. Further they do not read in order to learn things which will make Kashmir Problem a little bit simplier. Br. Aijaz, It needs courage and sincerity to disscuss Kashmir Problem in new paradigm of thinking positive. Leave taking of issue in colleges and universities, people are fed up with sentimenal slogans which are being raised day in and out in order to befool them. Pragmatic approaoch regarding solution needs to be stregenthened and disscussed threadbare.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Brother Ahmad Nazeer!

    I agree with you brother, Ahamd Nazeer. I may not be too cynical but I have to be so since what I believe that nothing can emanate from the people who currently claim to be representative of the freedom camp. To me most of them are claimant and nothing else. I apologize if I say that yesteryears so called commandos have turned so called leaders. I have my reasons and valid reasons to call them so called. Each so called commando has formed a party and I am shocked to learn that almost all localities have parties now. These so called representatives seem to hell bent to divide the historical Srinagar city.

    Since we know that nothing concrete can emerge out from them therefore, I am of the view that let Kashmir issue becomes part of seminars in colleges and university. Since deliberations will open up new ways of looking at it.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Ahmad Nazeer!!

    When I met Dr. Zafar-ul-Islam, editor of Milli Gazette, around 8 years back or so at his office in Delhi, I raised Kashmir issue with him though on the sidelines of my talk with him. He put forth his arguement, which I, at that time, felt was not true. However, 8 years passed by and today I can touch what he meant then and how right was he in deciphering the Kashmir situation then………………

    I hope you remember those days………………

  • Ahmad Nazeer

    @ Brother Aijaz !!!! Absolutely right ! How can I forget those days! We both disagrred what Zafar-ul-Islam Khan said but are ready to opt it after a lapse of 10 years ………..

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Ahmad Nazeer!

    In fact, it was you who took me there for the first time. Therefore, I owe you thanks for it.

  • Syed M I Andrabi

    @Aijaz Ahmed, @ Ahmed Nazir BTW, what did Dr zafrul-Islam say, if you don’t mind.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @ Dear Dr. Saheb!!!!

    He, Dr. Zafar-ul-Islam Khan, did not say something new and, if I have understood properly, it was somehow in tune with what your write-ups convey keeping in view the context, in-terms of time, etc, of such write-ups. We talked about many things and during our talks many issues cropped up such as Palestine, Kashmir and the condition of Muslims in India, etc. Though he showed praise for the Palestinians however, he did not show any sign of positivity about Kashmir. He was of the view, at that time, that Kashmir lacks leaders who are objective and strategic in nature. He was of the view that Kashmir struggle, from 1990 onwards, was merely an uproar that would not achieve anything. Uproar cannot bend the country like India. He was of the view that this issue would have been better played diplomatically. He was of the view that this uproar would dampen Kashmir further and it will play havoc to the society in the long run.

    I hope I understood what he meant. May be Brother Ahmad Nazeer can shed some more light. I just raised this here to push back Brother Nazeer to that day when we both got riled up with regards to his assessment about Kashmir. May be we, me and Ahmad Nazeer, were covered by the emotions without being sane.

  • inayatullahkhan

    Thank God,I feel so happy that the most troubling question facing our already deprived nation,is taking a rational and sensible turn to ponder over the subject for a fruitful and a positive solution.May GOD ALMIGHTY save us,being the true believers in HIM AND HIM ALONE-“lub pay darood-o-salam,dil main darood-o-salam”(ameen) BUT-a very unpleasant “BUT”will the SUZEREIGN POWER,believers of “AHINSA PROMODHARMA” which had decided to emulate the erstwhile the greatest coloniser in the history-THE BRITISHERS our late masters-will they ever entertain even the shade of an idea to allow us breath the free air.I doubt for their main plank to depend upon is that they have fulfilled in truth and spirit the pledge of dynastic rule given to our great emancipator “THE SHEIKH”. We should now solemnly think of the ways as to how save our coming generations while seeking amenable solution for this wrankling problem. May GOD save us (ameen)

  • Ishfaq Ahmed

    It was hard to digest things when i started reading the article. However, i like the style of Dr Andrabi’s write ups. He goes on answering the questions you raise about his write up till you reach THE END of his article. I agree with the view that you should come up with new solutions with good home work and strategy.I believe it should not be just a statement, it should be kind of some roadmap in the form of some ‘book’ where you give your sound reasoning and convince people to ‘leave’ UN resolutions and opt for something new. The lack of any home work and a hollow statement by Prof Abdul Ghani Bhat is what made people angry. The camp that sticks to UN resolutions are doing so coz they know that India is yet to accept ‘disputed’ nature of problem and any sign of ‘deviation’ from UN resolutions makes them worry and rightly so. Don’t you think, unless other party is ready to discuss matters with you, you should not leave your stand.If you do, you basically strengthen the other party? By the way, what happened to countless ‘roadmaps’ that were proposed by many parties with spectrum of ideologies?

  • Salam, All praises is due to ALLAH(swt) the Lord of the worlds.. Well, let me come straight to the point, any successful Revolution in the history or Recent Past has been made possible by sincere & determined Leadership, The Leader who bends his knees before the LORD OF WORLDS only…General people can follow any leadership but The best people in the society gets attracted to such sincere & determined Leader like iron peices to Magnet.. I will give one simple ex ample which will give us the Idea of leadership in Indian Occupied Kashmir…People are following the Leaders but unfortunately these Leaders doesnt follow any mutually selected one LEADER which will give the strong message of Unity… Now most unfortunate is that when people are comming out from their homes in masses means a lot means people are ready to Sacrifice their Lives but INSTEAD OF UTILISATION OF THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY OUR LEADERS AT A CLIMAX ORDERS TO GO & SIT IN UR HOMES & TAKE FOOD & START WORKING NORMAL…. MY SIMPLE QUESTION CAN REVOLUTION WILL EVER COME WITHOUT SACRIFICE & SUFFERINGS?

  • Aijaz Ahmad Bhat

    Dear all, i personally think that we have become intolerant society perse if somebody thinks something as irrelevant let him explain the said thing.Give him the right, we shouldn’t indulge in mudslingering.I persolly think that Prof.Bhat should not have made this statement.but give him space to explain.As somebody has rightly said that you need to shun the ego then you can see the light and take everybody with you. GOD bless our cause.

  • in the history of every oppressed nation the only way out of the slavery is plebicite (peacfull way) if it is not delivered then its war eg palestine,chechenya,bosnia,somalia,phillipines,ireland,russian fedration,latin word etc etc so there is no need of some freakin steaky proposals just to show off youa creative brains….and make uaselves the kickass fellas of intellectual gang of kash.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    I agree with brother Ishfaq in saying that statements from the leaders or higher ups must not be just for the sake of statements or to be in the news. Surely, there could be other hidden reasons as well behind such statements. Such statements, when come out from higher ups, have always something in between the lines to convey depending upon the time, on whose behest the statement comes, etc.

    That does not mean that we should stop this faculty, not allowing or tolerating the statements of whatever kind, in our society and as rightly pointed out by Aijaz Ahmad Bhat below that we must offer the breathing space for each one since that is pivotal in evolving the tolerant society.

    Creativity is at heart of the blossoming society. However, the irony in our case is that our higher ups or leaders do not have a kind of a credible past that would make a normal person believe in his/her assertions.

  • inayatullahkhan

    worthy Doctor sahib,God bless you(ameen), “Weaving circles around our sacred land thrice, While closing our eyes in holy dread’ Let all of us undergo a huge learning curve that involves tolerance,forgiveness,courage and cultivation of the dire need to be serious about finding long term healthy goals we want to spend our life and our long dormant dreams for the future. As to why we need being so focused is because we have to had great clarity about what we want to acheive in our national life now.It will make our everyday a watershed day of ours ,everyday of harvest,of great personal responisibility,of high ideals. And our story will not be a bookish abstraction but a more dynamic,palpable reality- feelings rhythems of life.History does not repeat itself but it rhymes.Historical distances are directional and not precisely pre-ordained.history runs in cycles and how we respond to those cyclical shifts is upto us.And thus our destiny is shaped for all times. WE ARE KASHMIRIS,we have witnessed epochs of being crushed out of existence.read RAJ TRANGANY narrations of ancient times when those ancients could not do it.Then the Dark Ages could not do it.then mongol tribes,afghans,the Sikhs and Dogra rulers could not do it.State Religions could not do iy,Darwin could not do it,Rationalism could not do it,neither liberalism,communism,socialism could.And now imposed Democracy,modernity is busy following those tracks to tax them into oblivion,legislating them out of existence. I RE-ASSERT ‘WE ARE KASHMIRIS’.Ignore them,they will not go away,they are hard to deal with.Divide them,they will unify,bend them down,they will pop back again,create strife,they will make peace,criticize them they will listen with a smile,hate them they will love you back,take their coat,they will give you their cloak too.Persecute them they will multiply.arrest them,they will witness to you beat them they will sing and KILL THEM,THEY WILL STRAIGHTWAY GO TO HEANEN.I TELL YOU ,YOU CANNOT BEAT KASHMIRIES. The Occupyinng power is now a terrified witness to all these phenomenon occurring helplessly staring can do nothing. I REPEAT LOUDLY WE ARE KASHMIRIES AND GOD WILLING WE WILL ACHIEVE OUR HONOURABLE DIGNIFIED PLACE AGAIN IN THE COMITY OF NATIONS .WE NEED ONLY TRUST IN OUR AQLLAH PAK ‘BLESSED BE HIS HOLY NAME FOREVER AND FOREVER,”AMEEN”

  • inayat ullahkhan

    sir,Looking to the future in the “REAR-VIEW MIRROR we often come across the prince of piffle reaching bedlam pitches. We bless them. “KISSI KAY ATAAY_HI SAAQI KAY AISAY hOUSH URRAY SHRAAB SEEKH PAY DAALI KABAB SHEESHAY MAIN” Inayatullah

  • inayat ullahkhan

    worthy Doctor sahib, I highly appreciate you have deleted the irrelevant message of some gutter-snipe of a “hum choo maa dangrey naist”(no donkey like me,beware).Your highly esteemed blog is for sensible advice/opinions and not for putrid filth-spillovers.Our whole nation’s future is at stake due to day-to-day machinations of self-servers.We should be ever alert to save our future generations and never give even the fleeting shadow of an excuse for reprisals.And always praY TO GOD fOR MERCY/safeTY.one day this tragic problem will be solved. May god bless.

  • inayat ullahkhan

    Most dear respected brothers/friends, “O for my pen to ravish every heart, And plant therein deep humility’ Hamlet’s soliloquy “to be or not to be”often ricochets at certain milestones in a nation’s life when we mull over the banality of our very struggles for existence/survival.we serenade in silence rhymming to accept the inevitable even being on the fringe of “ENDANGERED SPEICES”. Our voice of treason reminds the futility of our dreams, unfulfilled and lost.Unpropelled these speak-up that it is the truth insisting on itself,though so tasteless and hard to take, we wonder at the reality that something had triggered the scales landing all of us unceremoniously in a sort of “POST-TRAUMATIC-STRESS-DISORDER with no escape routes. Such is the tipping-point-syndrom occurring now when these minor incidents will -inshallah,ISAY AGAIN”INSHALLAH”change everything for the denoument of a bright dawn for our nation. we need only follow the verdict of nature to be( in the words of a GREAT SAGE)’the one karrta hai jo har zamaan apnay amml kaa hassab”We need look inwards to be “TRUE TO OURSELLLVES,to bE TRURE TO OUR UNPRALLED CODES OF LIFE AS ENNUNCIATED BY ISLAM AND see our true destiny unravelling shining bright.May LORD BLESS AND SHOW ALL OF US THAT DAWN, “WOH SAHAR JIS SAY LARZTA HAI SAHBISTAN-AY WAJOOD/HOTI HAY BANDA-AY MOMIN KI AZZAN SAY PAIDA” MAY ALLAH PAK BLESS ALL OF US AND show us that day.(ameen) With”LUB PAY SALLAT-O-DROOD-DIL MAIN SALAAT-O DROOD” INAYATULLAHKHAN

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