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What is Nuclear India Up To

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What is Nuclear India Up To? India has successfully tested Agni-5, an inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) that can carry nuclear warhead and hit a target up to 5000 miles away. This brings whole of Asia, and most of Europe within the range of this missile.

The colonial thought paradigm that mostly dominates the times we are living in regards building up of huge war machineries, and developing weapons of death and destruction a normal and legitimate exercise in nation building and this often comes to be associated with national pride. India is, therefore, not unique in treading this path, other countries also do. United States of America has the nuclear arsenal which can destroy the whole world many times. So we are not raising the issue of weapons development as such, our concern here is rather different. We ask:

What are India’s threat perceptions to which this high cost weapons program is geared to? This is the most legitimate and sensible question to ask. As mentioned, US has a formidable war machinery, but then its short, medium and long term threats are well known. The state itself keeps articulating them, though in its own jargon. Anything, now or in future, that challenges US hegemony over the world is a threat to it. United States is a well armed cop who shoulders the responsibility of guarding and advancing the interests of the so-called ‘Free World’. There is a clear civilizational dimension to US threat perceptions. Justifiable or not, right or wrong, that is not our concern here, the point is that US threat perceptions are clear for any sensible person to understand. What about India? It has border disputes with China and Pakistan, has fought wars with them, but that again is a routine matter between states and a general military preparedness takes care of that. Nuclear bombs or ICBMs are weapons which are only needed when a state has a global profile, and a role. India, apparently, has none. When Pakistan went nuclear, the bomb was called Islamic bomb. The term was coined by the West for its own scare mongering objectives (Islam representing a nuclear threat), but there was a grain of truth in it: Pakistan did have a civilizational dimension: it formed a part of the wider Muslim fraternity, a political community, and, for that matter, a bomb by Maldives, a tiny Muslim island, also could have been labelled Islamic bomb and a global character attributed to it. However, India, as a state, is a stand alone entity, and does not have any such civilizational dimensions. So what makes it invest so hugely in projects the purpose of which is not clear? The question becomes more relevant when we consider the fact that India is home to world’s largest poor population, the number of people living below the Line of Poverty (the officially set standard of measuring poverty) in India is highest in world. Given a total lack of clarity on threat perceptions, one would seriously question the sense of prioritisation behind such adventures as developing the ICBMs. As long as things are not clear it is difficult to judge them on their merit, and either agree or disagree with them. India’s military adventurism (making ICBMs) does not make sense in the first place, so the question of judging their worth does not arise. In such a situation, one is left with the only option of making informed guesses, and the nearest one is that perhaps India wants to terrify its neighbours and all those who want to stand up to it. India has problems with Pakistan, serious water issues with Bangladesh, and tensions with Sri Lanka. Within India also, there are huge communities deprived of their legitimate rights, insurgencies, and Guerrilla movements. It seems as if Indian state is engaging in psychological warfare by projecting its military might to intimidate all those who it seeks to force into submission. As regards China, India has accepted the defeat and there is an overwhelming opinion in India’s strategic community that their country should make peace with China by ceding to it its(India’s) territory in Arunachal Pradesh, but as far as Pakistan is concerned India is still determined to impose ‘solutions’ on it in matters of Kashmir, Siachin, water etc. etc. India is making ICBMs to create an impact that would pave the way for its hegemony.

About Blogger:
Dr. Syed M. Inayatullah Andrabi is the founder convenor of Mahazi-Islami, Occupied Kashmir. He is an intellectual-political activist from Srinagar, capital city of occupied Kashmir.

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24 thoughts on “What is Nuclear India Up To

  • inayatkhan

    Worthydr,sahib, your long portrayal of INDIA’s latest ICBM successful trial should not be construed as sabre-rattling to over-awe and threaten its neighbours just as you have narrated in a knee-jerck- response.Rather it is a show of its mastery of technowledgy to let the world know that SHE also has the expertise,grasp of the latest scientific advances.Please be assured InDIA is nation of “ahimsa parmo dharma; I mean a peace-loving nation with no history of any foreign invasion or conquest. you have mentioned KaSHMIR question,may I seek to remind that this will be decided one day and we will be master of our own destinyinshallah.No nation can be held captive for long if it is united in its demand. As regards INDIA’s neighbours they can better understand this.So far none has reacted.EVEN AMERICA has assured the world that INDIA is peace-loving.Also please remember always-I quote persion couplet- “MUN HAICH NAAMEE-TARSUM UZ HAADSAAY SHUB HAA’ SHUB HAA KAAY SAHR-GURDED UZ GURDASHAY-KAWKAB HAA’ GOD BLESS YOUR NOBLE FAMILY(ameen) Give my humble respects to your great father. INAYATULLAH

  • A wonderful write up Indeed!! Kudos to the writer for putting forward points the way they ought to be. India has time and again been snubbed at the UN for seeking a permanent role in the security council and it doesn’t look like she’ll have the pleasure of having a say in the world affairs. And how in the world could this self proclaimed champion of “Ahimsa Parmo dharma” invade a neighboring nation in 1971!! How can they explain the continued occupation of Kashmir while they claim to be the champions of Democracy?? Hope these WMD’s are secure enough to not fall in the hands of the Naxallites whose territory lies agonizingly close to Indian capital.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    Wonderful insights! However, as of now, India may not be equated with US, the lone global power, but isn’t the fact that India is aiming for such a profile. For instance, a talk for the permanent berth for India in UN. Likewise, isn’t India taking leaps in other sectors despite harbouring the large poor population? With regards to South Asia especially in relation with Pakistan India has always maintained the upper hand right from the Dhaka debacle, in 1971. There are valid reasons for it. However, fact of the matter is that Pakistan has not been able to develop into a polity the way India has. In other words, India, in South Asia, is Australia (in cricketing sense) and hence, knows how to win a game against her opponents.

  • Shiekh Tariq Mohmad

    Well analysed article keeping the current affairs in mind…. I think the following phrase was the soul of the write up “In such a situation, one is left with the only option of making informed guesses, and the nearest one is that perhaps India wants to terrify its neighbours and all those who want to stand up to it.”

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    If Bangladesh tomorrow gets the required tools to show her power, won’t she terrify the neighbours? This is how power at the political level is shown. This is how it has been on ages when looked at the timeline of history. The rule of thumb is simple. You have tools show your strength, as simple as that. Therefore, isolating India on this pretext seems less logic. Aren’t policies, on a micro or macro levels, in Pakistan against the very existence of India? The same applies for India where policies, on a micro or macro levels, are against Pakistan and the same applies for other neighbours.
    To verify the above point, say for instance in Middle East, isn’t Saudi Arabia trying to dominate the region despite having all her neighbours as Muslims. Isn’t Saudi Arabia becoming hegemony on others in the region despite claiming the guardians of faith?
    Let us get true facts. Despite all issues, of poverty, insurgencies, human rights violations, etc, India has managed to become a better place when compared to others in the region.

  • Iqbal Syed Hussain

    1. TEARS FOR PAKISTAN—the dream that has gone sour: Diagnosis of the current ailments and the urgent therapy Rs. 700.00
    3. THE DECLINE OF THE MUSLIM UMMAH: declared as the best book and inducted in the Services Club of the GHQ. Rs. 600.00
    4. ISLAM & THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS: Responding to Huntington’s Theory of the Clash of Civilizations Rs. 600.00
    5. THE QUR’AN & MODERNISM: Beyond Science and Philosophy Rs. 600.00
    6. TERRORISM IN ACTION: Why Blame Islam? Responding to the Western reaction in the aftermath of 9/11 attack Rs. 600.00
    7. PAKISTAN IN CRISES: A Proud Nation, but Failing State Rs. 600.00

    8. QURAN-HAKIM: Falsafa Husn-o-Hyat (URDU) A treatise on the aesthetics and philosophy of the QUR’AN Rs. 500.00
    9. THE MUSLIM DELUSION –updated and improved edition (2012) Rs. 700.00
    11. FROM HOSTILITY TO CORDIALITY: A Vision for Regional Reorientation
    13. CORRIDORS OF CIVILIZATIONS HUMANITY INTERNATIONAL Publications and Promotions E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: 0092-55-3842583 Cell: 0300 7792452 ANIMATING THE IMAGINATION AND FOSTERING INTELLECTUAL INTEGRITY … Dr. Iqbal Syed Hussain At a time when the Qur’an is being burnt and the Prophet’s caricatures are being fabricated misconceptions need to be removed and new avenues of understanding ought to be evolved. Europe, traditionally liberal, progressive society that was the venue of enlightenment and renaissance, is fast falling into the trap of obscurantisms and neo-conservatism. Islamophobia with its nauseating nuances has obscured the vision and has led to producing false perceptions and pseudo-rational dialogues. The scholars and intellectuals who were the beacon light of enlightened movements are writing columns and producing chronicles full of hatred and misperceptions. Theories like Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” and Pascal Bruckner’s “Invention of Islamophobia” are produced to condemn Muslims to the league of fascists and eliminate the essential elements of civilization from the religion of Islam. Muslims are known now as the new Jews of Europe and thus targeted for eventual elimination. The recent brutalities unleashed in Norway by Anders Breivik indicate the intensity of anti-Muslim feelings which may be strengthened to assume more heinous dimensions. In “The Cult of Ethnicity” Schlesinger, the American thinker warns that “there are forces at work within our nation that undermine our principles of democracy”. These forces appear in the guise of individuals and groups who assert the authenticity of their ideologies by deploying weapons when and where they deem them necessary. Hence in order to thwart the onslaught of the oncoming doom we have launched a campaign, through our books of course, to create better understanding among all genres of human species—whether Muslims or Christians, Hindus or Sikhs. It is only the books which are the source of rational, enlightened thought that can delineate the course of constructive interaction, peace and harmony. The deployment of force, as India and Pakistan have experienced and as President George W. Bush and Obama have witnessed, will not bear the fruits of consummation. On the contrary, if this trend is allowed to perpetuate, humanity will fall into the trap of ruin. Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State had already warned about this ruin in 1974 and declared that the world was already on the razor’s edge. It is primarily for this reason that we are producing the books so that the edge does not get sharper to diminish the beauty of our souls and soil. Our books ensure that the light goes on penetrating into the dark alleys of melancholy, misconceptions and distortions. Our books redefine the art of living with structures, contents and style that are infused with enthusiasm and compassion. We take pains to produce books that sustain the soul and nurture the soil that we love. Dr. Iqbal Syed Hussain: HUMANITY International Tel: 0092-55-3842583 TEARS FOR PAKISTAN “Fondly we weep for the beauty that is gone” Baffled by the ever growing chaos and crises we are left with no choice but to weep and cry. Tears begin to flow when we see that in our country nothing moves in the right direction. “Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, and religions destroy spirituality”. In agonizing pain, with anguish and angst, we weep and cry for the beauty that is gone. This beauty was the beauty of our heart, the galaxy of our imagination, the focus of our love and devotion—the country we had created and cherished. It could have become the rhyme and rhythm of our breathing, the darling of our destiny if we had nourished and nurtured it properly. But left to the tyranny of the rulers and terror of the terrorists we are left with no option but to shed tears and weep on the fragments that are scattered, and cry on the beauty that is gone. The loss of the beauty, the fading of the glimmering landscape is a loss that the author of this book alone cannot repair. I am, therefore, submitting it to my readers who might share it with me. The loss is stupendous and the juncture is crucial. We must illustrate the decaying dimensions to our countrymen, both in the streets and the corridors of power, so that collective efforts are made to repair the damage. It is a serious attempt to restore the beauty on the face that has diminished by the fat bites of dark and ugly spiders. It is a drive to create consciousness and creativity, to sustain the moral and intellectual survival of the nation. It is the vision that invigorates the imagination and revitalizes the soil that has been made barren by the growing corruption and distortions. However, we have exposed the dimensions which need action and imagination. The resources have to be explored and exploited to facilitate the journey into long dark wilderness. Later in this narrative we will move to explain how history is languished and destiny is demolished. We will see how men and women weep when their leaders betray them. We will hear their” low sobs which emanate from the frail bodies that lay stone-still in the midst of darkness, deprivation and destruction. Lying moveless, but clinging to their spirits they might be seen with swords in their hands to severe all that robbed them of their assets and ideals. They may be skeletons but they have the will that will ultimately dominate.” This is the dream that we have tried to restore and this is the beauty that we have humanized in this book. (Inspired from Modern Love by George Meredith (1862). .Dr..IQBAL SYED HUSSAIN University of Cambridge, UK Humanity International E-Mail: Cell: 03007792452 TeL: 0092-55-3842583 It is not in our stars that we are underlings… “The DECLINE OF THE MUSLIM UMMAH” It is almost 1000 years since Muslims have been in decline. This long period is a sordid tale of infirmities and deficiencies, sorrows and sufferings that has been discussed in this book. It is a gateway to sad reflection and crude awakening. Such a venture was the need of the hour for long time, which has been undertaken now with the hope that it will awaken the Muslim Ummah and accelerate the quest for ideals that have been abandoned over the past centuries. However, scanning such a long history is not an easy task. I have made a modest attempt to examine the awestruck details with a view to creating awareness and renaissance so that Muslims could realize the goals that they have consigned to oblivion. Extremism and dogmatism are the main deficiencies which hinder the process of awakening, and progress. These deficiencies have deprived the Muslims of dignity and ascendancy. In this book I have tried to illustrate how centuries have been wasted to the tune of transitory flirtations and the perspectives have been consigned to the debris of decadence and degeneration. Ignorance and intolerance are the malicious manifestations of a way of life that hardly relates to the realities of Islam. The humane and creative values of Islam are scarcely seen to stimulate the lives of Muslims. The cobweb of confusion and delusion appears with its tentacles to further corrode the superstructure of culture and civilization that once was the glory of Islam. These old frustrations and fresh aspirations are the recurring themes of this book. They indicate vividly the “practical expression of necessity” which is intimately linked to the consciousness of imperatives. The horizons are wide enough but rather bleak. The course of reflection and contemplation is the ultimate outcome that must emerge from such a source of study and inspiration. It involves an intense process of soul searching and introspection. This must be the tool of intellectual renovation and spiritual elevation if we as Muslims have to carve out a destiny that must accomplish the purpose of our creation. This is how Muslims can be rescued from the abyss of stagnation and degeneration, bondage and decadence. It is only then that we can hope to reach the babbling brooks that swing with the melodies of music and songs of spring. For more details please contact: HUMANITY International [email protected] 055-3842583 Cell: 0300-7792452 THE MUSLIM DELUSION In the 21st century when the world is moving fast and some nations have already reached the stars, Muslims remain far from the horizons. Decadence, illiteracy and orthodoxy are the pronounced facets of the current Muslim culture. Deluded by their fantasies they are entrenched in the tentacles of illusions, vanities and misconceptions. Illiteracy, sectarian strife, and misconceived perceptions have further added to their despair. The delusion that besets the Muslim mind represents a deep psychological betrayal that leaves severe scars on the body politic of the Muslim Ummah. It is a period of anguish, despair and delusion, which many Muslims fail to recognize and address. They brush aside the realities by declaring that they are the darlings of God and everything will be resolved in their favour. The issues are varied and the situations are challenging. Muslims are entrapped in the cobweb of their fantasies and imaginations. Divisive forces are rampant creating confusion and delusion. This is from this premise that we have to take a start and pursue our quest for truth and insight. We have to see where we are wrong and how delusions and dogmatism have undermined the course of realistic action. The Muslim delusion based on past achievements is not likely to play any significant role in the transformation of our destiny. Muslims in general live in past glory, relish in self-delusion, and waste time in divisive and contradictory controversies. They have a grandeur story to tell and a phony dialectic to inject. Their interpretation of history is self-delusional and their objectives are confounded in confusion and conflicts. The conditions have changed but they are not ready to come out of their caves. The spate of illusions and self-centered delusion has perverted the perception and a sense of direction. Like blind men in the swarthy alleys they appear to be groping without realizing any concrete objectives. Intolerance, violence and orthodoxy are the banalities that have to be removed and unnecessary links between religion and extremism have to be smashed to reinstate balance and affinity in our attitudes. Instead of delusion and deviations humanity and creativity must be the focal points of Muslim ingenuity. Muslims might raise loud slogans, but the world will not believe them unless they come forward with more realistic and pragmatic policies to change their conditions and impact the global environments. A vacuum of purpose and perception would not be helpful in fostering the plans we may need for our well-being. Without change we cannot reach our destination. This is a reality which has to be reckoned, and this is what we make clear in this book. The book has been recognized by research think tanks like HEC to have played an exceedingly constructive role in creating awakening and sense of direction The book has been recommended by the HEC for postgraduate studies and is expected to be included in the universities curricula in near future. The new updated edition includes many features and innovations which have been devised by leading scientists and thinkers of modern age. PAKISTAN: A Proud Nation, but Failing State”… “PAKISTAN: A PROUD BUT FAILING STATE” is the title of our new book which deals primarily with constitutional and political crises, clash of institutions, religious extremism and terrorism. It is a tale of debilitating maladies which have brought the country on the brink of divisions, chaos and confusion. No resolution seems to be an ultimate solution of the complex nature of unending crises that threaten the integrity and viability of the state. Although Pakistan may not be a failed state, but it is very much nearing the level where its affairs appear to be assuming unmanageable dimensions. Corruption, incompetence, clashes between the executive and judiciary remain the main stumbling blocks on the way to effective functioning of the state. Poor governance, high cost of living and rapidly deteriorating social, moral and religious norms have led to divisions and deviations which continue to perpetuate a pattern of conflicts and encounters. It represents a failure to comprehend and resolve the issues with sincerity and integrity the conditions demand. The challenges if not resolved promptly and adequately could cause severe damages leading to further degeneration and dissolution. The quantum of confusion and corruption is so gross that sustenance of the very system seems to be threatened by the growing wave of alienation and distortions, expediency and exploitation. The psychology of ideologies and the implications of egocentric policies have obscured the vision of all the stakeholders in the state. The laxity of incompetent officials and abdication of the sense of accountability on the part of corrupt politicians have caused alienation at the level of institutions and common citizens. The same process seems to perpetuate which started in 1960s and remained to perpetuate over the past sixty years. People of Pakistan are baffled by the policies which have had no substance and no role in creating constructive structures for growth and development. People stare in the eyes of the state for their survival, but hardly any response seems to be forthcoming. In order to survive collective shame and inspire the leaders and thinkers with a sense of creativity we have written the above book. It is an agonizing analysis of the malaise that has placed serious constraints on the way of creating a sustainable future and a healthy mansion of a prosperous state. The book highlights the values which must be nurtured to avert the crises and ensure a respectable national profile in the comity of nations. This provides a rational and balanced perception and an honest and realistic appraisal of the conditions which pose a serious challenge to the integrity of the state. As a “practical expression of the exigencies” it is a serious study which is worth exploration. 3. The QUR’AN AND MODERNISM Beyond Science & Philosophy (English) 4.QUR’AN-e-HAKIM: a philosophical and aesthetic interpretation (Urdu ) Although many books have been written on the Qur’an, yet it is very seldom that any serious, compact works have been produced to analyze the events from humane, scientific, philosophical and futuristic perspectives at the same time. While interpreting the Qur’an many writings have failed to accord due thought to the issues of the contemporary age, especially in context of secularism and modernism, and the sacred book has been left exposed to critical onslaughts from some sections of Western biased theology, atheism, politics and media. At the same time recent terrorist attacks have caused an uproar creating confusion and consternation about Islam and the Qur’an. Consequently the neo-cons and fundamentalists in the West have been caricaturing the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and planning to burn the Qur’an. They have in the meantime established a cottage industry which is mainly oriented to fabricating Islamophobic products of intensely pernicious nature. This is the most disastrous situation which has been exceedingly disturbing and demeaning for the Muslims in particular. In order to obviate these negative effects and create a better understanding of the Qur’an and Islam we have produced two books “The Qur’an & Modernism” (in English) and the “Qur’an Hakim: a treatise of philosophical and aesthetic interpretations (in Urdu) for our readers both in the Muslim world and the Western hemisphere. The idea is to dispel the deviations and distortions that continue to contaminate the genuine conception of Islam and the Qur’an. In these books a serious effort has been made to discuss both sacred and secular issues with their social, scientific and philosophical connotations. The realities of human life both in material and metaphysical context have been presented comprising the conceptual and speculative conceptions. The existence of God and the purpose and nature of life have been elaborated with socio-biological, biblical, and philosophical variations when and where necessary. The correct perception of the Qur’an is imperative as it is only with its light that we can go through the dark tunnels of human life. On occasions it also goes beyond the planks of science and philosophy on which is based the general perception of secularists and atheists. There are some fundamental connotations which form the basic premise of this conception. The author has ventured to establish that modernism in Islam is not an anathema and modernity does not pose a challenge. A creative response is always possible with thoughtful analysis and deep insight. The author makes it clear that the Qur’an is not a book of thoughtless concern and Islam is not a religion of static stereotypes. With consistency of conception and grace of expression the prosaic situations can be turned into effective affirmations. With the excellence of language and diction a vision extends toward capturing the movements of the cosmos. It is called the Qur’an. This is an imperative that affirms the vision and vitality of the QUR’AN and extends beyond science and philosophy of modern world. It is also important to understand the life and thought of Islam and its civilization. Those whose minds are nurtured on Western thought and those whose mindsets are divorced of the least streaks of modernism will be equally guided by the balanced and progressive conception of the QUR’AN. The above books make the elucidation of the Qur’an easier for the benefit of mankind in general, and especially for those who are egocentric and dogmatists in their mindsets. Although altering the intellectual and conceptual connotations especially when they are entrenched in narrow confines is an exceedingly difficult task,, yet making an efforts and helping others to appreciate the essence of the Qur’an could not be a futile exercise in the current contaminated environments. The books have been produced to elucidate the peculiarities of the divine injunctions in a language and style that could be comprehended easily by the modern man. Apart from the secular and scientific segments, the books place a strong focus on the fundamental doctrine of the Qur’an and all other biblical scriptures: the doctrine of the historical continuity of divine revelations. The books while underscoring the pre-eminence of the Qur’an in temporal and metaphysical life go beyond science and philosophy, physics and metaphysics maintaining the supremacy of the ultimate reality. Penetrating deep into the ‘crystal spheres’ they establishes the reality of a cosmic order, the organic process and the laws that apply both to universe and human life. In the light of modern discoveries the Quranic verses have been interpreted to substantiate the evidence of creative rationality. With a vast range of analytical and lexical endowments “The above books on Qur’an, we hope, will go a long way to shatter the barriers of illusions and misconceptions which hinder the process of a pure perception and clear conception. They will also help desist the neo-cons and fundamentalists in America to reverse their sting and conform to the dictates of rational thought, religious grace and inner enlightenment. A study of the books will open new horizons to explore the hidden meanings of the Qur’an and integrate it into the fabric of modern human life. This will be the beginning of a process that has been lying dormant for long time. On way towards this realization we might be able to turn the revelation into a manifestation of human excellence and consummation. The presentation of the books in this form and spirit will be an act of charity to serve Divinity and transform the humanity. Tel: 0092-55-3842583 TERORISM IN ACTION: Why blame Islam? In exile in Switzerland Lenin observed that “there are decades when nothing happens and there are weeks when decades happen”. We are going through such weeks, I presume, at present time. The process of dehumanization and structural dissolution is so rapid and uncertain that it drives man from depletion to depredation, from depression to degeneration. Man today is so much suppressed by the dehumanizing conditions that his very soul seems to be crushed under the debris of brutal attacks and physical assaults. Entrapped in the cobweb of antagonistic forces he is deprived of the essence of moral and human interior. With evils and terror on the horizon man wonders if he has lost track with the stars of civilization and gone back in the Stone Age with no hope of reaching the stage of consummation. In an age of oppression and depravation terror has added a new element of confrontation to the dimensions of rival systems of thought and ideologies. It has given rise to new doctrines and new methods of suppression. As such terrorism and military interventions have replaced the essence of human nature and man appears to be more beastly inspired than at any other time in human history. In the words of Plato the beastly desires “bestir themselves in dreams when the gentler part of the soul slumbers, and the control of Reason is withdrawn. Then the wild beast in us becomes rampant and goes in quest of what will gratify its own instincts”. In modern age of dehumanization, 9/11 was the most disdainful event which shook the spectrum of world peace and harmony. In the aftermath came the American bombing raids which caused destruction and demise on an unprecedented scale. Brutality was visible in the most naked form. The very shape of civilization seemed to be fragmented and deformed. “TERRORISM IN ACTION; WHY BLAME ISLAM” is a comprehensive, analytical study of the 9/11 incident, and provides an interpretation both from human and historical perspectives. The question arises if man should be allowed to choose a reasoned or desperate response to suit their own philosophy and ideological way of thought? Should adventurism and militarism be the response to terrorism? Should it be the basis for the animals to replace men to impose their compulsive injunctions? Such are the questions, which bestir the minds of readers. They are discussed critically to seek release from the wheels of fire, which set ablaze the wells of hatred. This book makes it clear that in order to resolve the religious and ideological divergences we should not deploy destructive means and crusades and terrorism are not the appropriate response to the follies of a few mistaken souls. Confusion and conflicts should not lead to clash of civilizations. Thus the book, based on a broad and balanced analysis, could be a convincing contribution to a rational and scientific study of the subject. ISLAM & CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS A new century is upon us and civilizations are almost on a collision course. As Muslims we are confronted with attacks and accusations, which have already debilitated our fragile socio-cultural, political and economic structures. With hardly any indigenous technology, economic strength and moral reserves we are exposed to the catastrophes of huge destructive enormity that bring us nearer to the stage of breakdown and disintegration. The situation has become all the more serious since 9/11. The clash of civilizations which till now was a mere myth now seems to have assumed an expression of naïve reality. As the conditions harden, the prediction of Friedrich Nietzsche appears to be translating into real impressions. There will be wars as never before” has begun to advance by ordered stages. “How could the human mind cope with the spectacle of civilizations turning against one another annihilating their own integral elements in an orgy of organized destruction? The questions of clash of civilizations, fundamentalism and ideological confrontations have become the core issues of the modern age. Since they concern directly the Muslim world, and allegations are directed against the Muslim extremists, the above book has been produced to discuss the gravity of the situation and the urgency to survive its pernicious effects. Since we live in a world, which is not of our own making, we have to face the varying situations and resolve the issues which confront us in our day to day life. How to face the challenges and evolve a strategy of principled and rational discourse is the main theme of “ISLAM & CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS”. Since the collapse of the World Trade Center the West in general and the United States in particular seem to have assumed a position of intolerance and even their civilization appears to have lost its amiable, sophisticated features. As a result of inadequate understanding, confusion and despair the dynamics of dialogue on which depends the process of peace has become bereft of the essential elements of reasoning and rationality. There are more attacks, more discrimination against Muslims, and there is increasing occupation with subjects that earn the neo-cons and fanatics more hostility and combat. In a mood of despair and disillusionment we find people talking about the ‘Clash of Civilizations and Islamophobia. The fear and suspicions seem to have made it hard for them to approach ISLAM objectively. This is the tragedy of the modern age which in spite of its rapid advance seems to have had no substantial impact on the mode of thought in the western world. It is high time that efforts are made to reshape the collective consciousness and build a greater civilization embracing all segments of humanity. Hence a positive perception leading to a better understanding of Islam is the imperative to avert further clashes between the two major religions. The cornerstone of modern civilizations is the reconciliation and pursuit of conversation. In our books we have tried to remove the misconceptions by exposing the unholy hues of irrational and hasty judgments. Maybe our efforts succeed and establish the supremacy of reason and understanding over passions and extremism. Maybe a “way out” is found for the intellectual survival of the nation and collective welfare of human civilization. This could be a suitable outcome of our efforts which are intended to translate the irrationality of obscurantism into a rational interpretation of ideological and political conflicts– an opening to the enlightened approach to the problems of the world, and a move to the intellectual survival of the nation.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    TO Iqbal Syed Hussain

    What are you up to here? What do want to convey? It seems that you are promoting your books or whatsoever here. What has these books to do with the blog here? There is a link at the bottom of this blog titled ‘Blog Rule’ and I am sure you have not read them. Even if you have not read them ethics of a blog demand you to be within the defined limits. Am I right? This is not a place for marketing the things, is it? I hope you won’t consider your marketing gimmicks as Islamic action. Please do not pollute this thread of the blog by your marketing trends.

    I hope you being well educated, considering you as doctor, would understand it.

  • Syed M I Andrabi

    Well said Aijaz Ahmed about the marketing gimmicks of Iqbal Syed hussain. I am absolutely with you. As regards your comments earlier on India being singled out, I do not agree with that, but will come back to you later with my own submissions.

  • inayatullahkhan

    My humble salutation to worthy SYED IQBAL HUSSAIN for his dedicated efforts to bring forth in such critical times bare facts and truths about islam.It has now become a fashion to denigrate the religion to gain approval in so-called high-society circles.God bless him for his efforts for these will initiate a general discussion about muslim polity which may one day open the eyes and lead to a peaceful world. MAY GOD BLESS HIM-the only mind-block will be-to quote-“SUBHA DUM GHUR KOI BAALAAY BAAM AAYYA TUO KIYA” INAYATULLAH

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    I just received a message, on my cell, from one of the news portal that Pakistan successfully test-fires nuclear ballistic missile Hatif IV. While reading this news item on my cell this blog arrived at the horizons of my neurons. Is it reaction from Pakistan against what India did few days back? I may be too naïve to decipher all this. However, fact on earth reveals that state of Pakistan has always been reactive rather than proactive. Isn’t?

    Was it required? I still cannot digest the importance of nuclear tests done by Pakistan in 1998. Were they required? How great and worthy would have been if the same budget would have been utilized into sectors of education and health care since both sectors are in a rotten shape in Pakistan. If that budget would have gone into education today Pakistan would have abled Home Minister. If that budget, right from 1950, would have gone into education today Pakistan would not have been manipulated by the lunatics and today Pakistan would have been well off. They would not have dragged the lone nobel laureate out of the country just because he was not believing the beliefs that lunatics do . They would not have ruined the rich and fertile soil of Pakistan to the soil of fanaticism and that too on the name of the peaceful religion.

    My concern may be purely naïve but they are objective in nature though.

    Stay Blessed All!

  • @Aijaz Ahmed: Bro,I endorse your view points. By the way I like the way you stir up the debate on the forums. Good keep it up!


  • Abdul Qayyuum

    @Aijaz Ahmed. A dog always around you , waiting for a right time to pounce on you and tear away you into pieces . If you don’t pick up a stone and threaten to relatilate , then you are digging your own grave.I am sure you got the point which i am trying to make. Coming to your point of spending in education , health-sector etc , this is absolutely necessary. But i don’t see any reason why Defense Expenditure ,however huge , should make a resourceful country like Pakistan stop investing in other important sectors.It can go parallel . Finally i ask one thing here , towards end of comment did you mean to say , “Lunatics” beleived that Muhammad Salawatullahi Wa’Sallam was the final messenger of Allah and because “Sole Noble Laureate’s” belief was contrary to that and was thrown out which you regret/condemn .Is it ???

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Abdul Qayyuum: Thanks for your response. Your response merits proper response from my side to pinpoint the areas that I am concerned with since your lines speak about some good areas that need to be addressed to. I am just pondering over about the point, in time, I start with since I can put forth many grey areas starting right from 1950s. To begin with I believe that Prophet of the Prophets (SAAW) was the final messenger on this planet. I also feel proud of what my messenger (SAAW) was labeled with. He (SAAW) was known to this universe as “Rahmat Lil Alameen” and the beliefs I nurture teach me to be the Rahmat to the world around not of course, chaos, violence, lunatic, fanatic, hate monger and on. This is because while HE (SAAW) was around even the cruelest person would feel safe and in peace and not to speak of faithful, of whatever type of faith, people belonging to diversified religions.

    My concern to what happened to Quaid’s Pakistan is a genuine one because for sure Quaid did not want Pakistan what it is today. The same Quaid was hated and labeled as ‘Kafir’ by one type of these religious lunatics when Quaid fought for Pakistan. Once Quaid got Pakistan the same religious fanatics, who were against him, took over and hijacked Pakistan. The irony was that they did it on the name of peaceful religion. I emphasis peaceful religion because these lunatics do not seem to understand what peace is. While doing so they made the mess that is prevalent in current Pakistan and the waves of this mess engulfed my lovable Kashmir.

    Spending in defense is great for security or whatever reasons you call them. However, for whose security and at what cost? Have investment, from 1950, in defense offered Pakistan anything? I do not find any whereas I find debacle of Dhaka, Siachin, Kargil, Afghan war and the list goes on the trot. Yes, investment in defense has offered the lavish life style to so called army of Pakistan. I call them so called since I too was in Disney world about them being an institute. The investment I defense at what cost? Today normal people, an average family, in Pakistan has no roti, kapda, bijli and let us not talk of other things. Faisalbad has dried up, industries gone and poverty at an alarming rate because major of the budget goes to the army’s lavish life style. Dhaka debacle will teach you a lot about the same army who, being in 90,000, could not fire a single shot instead surrendered without a fight. Let me give you another shameful shade of this debacle. The role played by the guardians of faith or let me use my term religious fanatics. One bends his/her head in shame when evaluating the role these so called contractors of paradise did. These contractors of paradise made their hands red by the innocent blood of Bengalis, who were Muslims too. These contractors of Paradise stained their heads by being the party to loot, rapes and other crimes against the very Bengali Muslims. The sole nobel laureate did not deserve the treatment he got just because he was/is not nurturing my faith. What is it? What is this nonsense? Every day my Shias brothers get killed because they do not subscribe to their views. Is this what Prophet (SAAW) taught us? No way and I am sure no conscious Muslim would disagree with me though lunatics would go any extend.

    Let me leave it here as otherwise lines may grow further. Therefore, if investment would have been done in education Pakistan today would have been better place. We could have people who would know how to speak. We would have people well behaved and well mannered and we would not see Shoiab Malik on defeat against India after first 20-20 world cup apologizing Muslim world for his defeat. Poor Malik did not mean that but spitted out vomit but what he could do because his country spends budget on the lavish life style of their army hence no schools, no education.

  • May I request the web master of this site to delete the comments of stupid people like Iqbal Syed Hussain who because of their rotten mentality try to distort the blogs through marketing gimmicks.

  • inayatullahkhan

    My humble submission to misguided worthies M.shafi/Aijaz Ahmed and tribe, I have failed to get the hang of your very conceited responses to the article by Iqbal hussain for just telling us about his sincere dedicated efforts to apprise muslims about the factors which have contributed to their being the “REJECT’ of a civilised humanity and how to attain once again our prestine glory.Rather you should have appreciated his endeavours thus encouraging others “DAANISHWARS” also to jump into the fields and alert/awaken ummah to “CRY HALT TO THE ACCELARATING CATASTROPHIC rush into the quagmire-sludge of oblivion forever.I humbly salute DR:Syed inayatullau sahib who allowed full print of his article in his blog and thus have enlightened muslims sustain once again their nearly dead souls and nurture their barren soils by learning the supreme factors and truth enunciated by HOLY PROPHET RASUL-AI-AKRAM. as well as the shining history of ISLAM. I feel sad and sorry for all of my worthy compatriots who have joined the caravan to denigrate ISLAM AND ITS WAYS OF LIFE.May ALLAH SHOW ALL OF YOU THAT “SIRAT-UL-MUSTAQEEM”FOR WHICH WE DAILY PRAY FOR(ameen). “CHAMAN MAIN TALAKH-NAVAI MAIREY GUWARA KAR, KAY ZAHR BHI KABHI KARTA HAI KAAR-AY TURYAKI” With humble prayers. INAYATULLAHKHAN

  • Aijaz Ahmed


    On the current missile race between India and Pakistan and other issues, Former Pakistan Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri, in a discussion at Kolkatta, said “The only way forward for us is to remove misunderstandings and have an open communication. That is the only way forward”.

  • inayatullahkhan

    K.H.Kasuri has said nothing new to be serious about.This sort of stance has been going on for since the day kashmir became a question.Since there is a very huge difference in the stature of these two counteries,i do not see any parity to lead to conciliation or friendly existence.To me the only solution would be “ONCE AGAIN A UNITED BHARAT”singing that forgatten song”SAARAY JAHAN SAY ACHHA HINUSTAN HUMARRA” I rue the day they forgot it and hence these irritating questions.Well wait till that day if that ever comes. inayatullahkhan

  • There is newness in kasuri’s statement and that freshness is accepting the fact that confrontation is not a way out instead cordial dialogue. Remember Kasuri was foreign minister of one of the notorious dictators the soil of Pakistan had to encounter with unfortunately.

  • I agreed whatever blogger has described in a very good manner, But it hardly matters for india to bother to each point, becoz Pakistan’s Administration itself supports whatever india is doing with Indian occupied Kashmir, we are still suffering interms of every thing, irony is Pakistan is shaking hand with india with the blood of kashmir..

  • Syed M I Andrabi

    he question that was raised in the blog was simply this: What are India’s threat perceptions to which this high cost weapons program is geared to? Unfortunately it remains so far unaddressed. True, we did not expect absolute answers like 2 + 2 is 4, nor final words and verdicts, but we did wish to stimulate our viewers’ thinking and get their valuable feedback on a question which is as legitimate as it is important. It is legitimate, because money is always spent for a purpose, and we are asking what is that? Who is India threatened by? We are not either endorsing or objecting to the aims and objectives the ICBMs are meant to achieve, we are simply calling into question the need of doing all this. Well, we might be seen here as singling out India, but what is the problem if there are valid reasons to do so, and yes there are: First, Indian situation is much more relevant to us than, say, the one in Brazil. We have to keep an eye on how India develops. The other reason is that India right from its inception in 1947 has not been a peaceful state. It started with invading Jammu and Kashmir in October, 1947, worked for, and finally brought up the cessation of East Pakistan (other factors, definitely not ignorable, can be ignored here for the sake of argument), promoted Tamil militancy in Sri Lanka only to be brutally crushed later by ‘Indian Peace Keeping Force’, is still deeply involved in promoting terrorism in Balochistan, and last but not least committed huge war crimes in Kashmir slaughtering our one full generation. As such, any move that enhances India’s military might is a matter of concern for us, and we must be cautioned by it, try to understand it It is important, because, we, in order to live rather than merely exist (borrowing Ali Shariati’s words), have to have a proper who’s who of the world we are living in. Living requires a proper awareness of our surroundings. So what type of the world we are living in? Without getting into the discussion about countries, blocs and alliances and their systems, let us look at the problem from the most fundamental level. Let us ask ourselves what broadly can be or have been the directions or tracks along which human civilization can or have developed in historical time. There are basically two ways: One is where humans heed their Creator’s advice, and aspire to live a Guided life according to the Divine Guidance. This we can call Islamic way of life, or the track along which Islamic civilization flourishes. The other is where humans either deny the existence of the Divine, or, while believing in it, regard all the Divine Guidance as simply irrelevant to life in this world. This we can call secular way of life. The former, while ensuring the material well-being of human beings and societies, aims at their spiritual growth and advancement, by appealing to, and nurturing their intellectual capabilities and moral sensibilities. The latter considering the material well-being as an end in itself, exploits the sensual desires of human beings, their superficial instincts, like hate, lust(not love), chauvinistic tribal/national feelings etc. etc. thus leading to the creation of spiritually impoverished human individuals and societies. In the world we are living in the secular way of life is epitomized by the West, and by that term we do not mean the western part of the world, a geographical entity, instead the West refers to a civilization with a secular way of life. United States of America is the leader of this civilization. The Islamic way of life is represented by the Islamic Movement led by the Islamic Republic of Iran. In getting to know the who’s who of the world, we usually find the European states on the side of USA, countries like China and Russia, sometimes with US and sometimes not, but there is a fair amount of clarity on who stands where. In case of India, things are not clear, and that is the point. Regardless of the jargon and the narrative that US employs for it, the truth is that America is engaged in a full time war against Islam. The war is not against what is commonly called ‘implementation of Sharia laws’ per se; the Saudi Kingdom, is purportedly ruled by Sharia, and is yet the worst American stooge in the region and its key proxy in the Muslim world; the war is against a genuine and viable political expression of Islam, one that independently defines the situation of the world we are living in, sets out goals and priorities of human civilization, and strives to advance the core values of Islam like justice, equality, freedom and fairness. When we say US is engaged in a full time war with Islam, it is this expression we are referring to because it stands in the way of US’s strategic agenda aiming at global hegemony. With a strategic relationship with US, India has been fully co-opted into this project of ensuring global hegemony of the West. India’s increasing military capabilities have to be seen in that light if we wish to be living a conscious life.

  • inayatullahkhan

    most worthy Dr;sahib, I respectfully beg to differ,despite all factual evidence to the contrary,you have asserted with relentless (like)Malthusian logic that we are heading towards total collapse and with such a wilful frame of mind all-round natural peak-panic has been created with the forebodings and expectations of a total cataclysmic catastrophe. I will humbly suggest otherwise.A series of small errors of judgements and miscalculations have compounded to create for us an impasse like “Naa jaaiy mandan na paaiy raftan”so to say.And everything that could go wrong has occurred.The best of human intentions/sacrifices could not avert and save us so far.I will most humbly suggest a retrospective analysiss of what has come to be to enable us dispel any such alarming predictions.these are a persistent illusions disproved by the facts of history,just go deep retrospectively you will find the scenerios reading like the book of revelations itself all madness and mayhem.Have you ever cared to notice the degree to which the ellipse of our very existence is squashed.May I dare tell you it is between zero and one ie between a circle near zero and flattened while near one.And there is no visible sign of any anthropic constant anywhere just to get us even caliberated as human being.And that should be the great QUESTION FACING US to guarantee our survival as a KASHMIRI NATION and not doleful forebodings. I may also add we cannot alter anywise our undoings.We have suffered miserably we need sanity to view the facts and save future generations. May LORD save/guide. sincerely, INAYaTULLAHKHAN

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    Dear Dr. Saheb!

    Without taking any credit from your last comment I feel, at times, that to arrive at the answer of the question one may have to quash up many things surrounding the one that was asked since the one that was asked existed in windings with the other things. As you said that we have to have knowhow about who’s who of the world. What you said of India is true rather exists in facts? But that is not India alone. The same can be said of others in the region. For instance, of Pakistan, and I can offer my valid facts to the fore. For instance, Pakistan army’s brutal torture of Balochis, Pakistan’s misadventure in Kashmir. My bringing in Pakistan as an example must not construe of I being anti Pakistan or Pro India, which we unfortunately do in Kashmir every now and then. And to this alarm, I have been witnessing the radical groups on the face book as well who label people anti even to the extent that they bring Islam while labeling others. Let me not dive here what these radical groups do either on the name of Khilfah or whatever name they work with. Do I need to take sides?

    I do not get it properly that Is it clash of civilizations? To me, I do not take it as such and this is what the hate-mongers and religious extremists on both sides want us to believe and pursue. US has her interests and is trying to control the world. Tomorrow, any other power may come up and will do the same. That is how the world has been going on.

  • Abd'ul Qayyuum

    Assalamu Alaikum Wr. US and western powers may not have problems with those aspects of Islam which are generally considered being related to one’s individual life viz. Salah , Saum etc. Even these practices when seen from a broader perspective do convey a strong message to external world. That is what ‘tolerant’ and ‘freedom propagating’ western world is realizing now and is thus increasingly making difficult for its Muslim subjects to adhere to these Islamic practices. They themselves are proving that freedom of religion, freedom to dress and all these ‘freedoms’ ,which they are boasting about, are nothing but a myth. They easily manipulate and even altogether change their own laws for their own interests; after all this is the reality of man-made laws. The expression of Islam which the author Dr. Inayat Sb. is referring to is generally termed these days as “Political Islam”. This is what the enemies don’t want us to delve into and this is what we Muslims must should speak about and strive hard for it ; of course not forgetting our other duties which as Muslims we ought to follow. One major disagreement I have here is about Iran /Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) being the only representative of Islamic way of Life. Some others may claim same for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. But in reality there is no country today which can be regarded as representative of Islamic way of life. IRI has its own interests in the region and so has KSA. IRI might have won support of many Muslims from other countries for at least verbally supporting ‘Palestine Cause’ and the customary chanting of slogans “Death to America”, “Death to Israel”; but its nexus with Alewite-Dog of Syria (Bashhr Asad) has severely dented its image. Coming to the point which Dr Inayat Sb made towards the end i.e. US and western powers are directly engaged in full time war against Islam ;Islam which tries to bring about a change in the present world order and thus poses a direct threat to their global hegemonic agenda. India, the neo-colonialist, shares the same agenda as that of the west and has joined the same league. Thus the “power show” (ICBMs etc.) is in line with that agenda. Although using its ‘chanakya’ policies she tries to present herself as neutral/non-aligned but truth stands out clear. Now the enormous amounts of money, energy, resources are being utilized by the enemies to fight Islam, what is our responsibility as Muslim to counter it? After highlighting the challenges/threats it would be really appreciated if some light is shed on the solution part as well. Also what do these happenings indicate (Wish I can compile some lines on this which I know of from my limited study I have done so far. Insha’Allah next time). While reading through the responses I stumbled over some lines where Allama Iqbal’s poetry had been mentioned. Yes Inayat’ullah Khan Sb responses. In one of his responses he suggests “UNITED BHARAT” as a solution to end the hostilities in the region and aspires for it. Since he uses Allama Iqbal left , right and center , I would request him to once again go through (he might have already read it) Allama Iqbal’s “Tarana Milli” and see if you can find any other solution not only for the region but for the whole world. When you will do a careful study and compare the two “Taranas” (Hindi Vs Milli) you will yourself realize that the one for which you feel regretful because it has been forgotten, stands abrogated. I would like to end this with one stanza (transliteration) from Allama Iqbal’s poem (Iblis ki Majlis Shura) where Iblis (satan) is finally addressing to his councilors and therein lies for us some important message. Har Nafas Darta Huun Iss Ummat Ki Baidari Se Mein Hai Haqeeqat Jis Ke Deen Ki Ahtisaab-e-Kainat W’Salam

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