
War on Pak Navy: Why Big Questions are being skipped?

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On 22nd May, 2011 Pakistan Navy Base at Karachi was attacked by terrorists. To those who have some memories of Indo-Pak wars, it looked, as the news broke out on TV channels, as if Pakistan was attacked in a conventional war by an enemy state. However, this time it was a different story, not that different as Rehman Malik would have us believe, but definitely apparently different. We have come to Wanepeynd with a few thoughts to share about this most unfortunate incident:

Big Questions being Skipped

It is really intriguing why the obvious is being missed. Understanding an event demands raising questions, and one can ask as many questions as needed, but there are always some basic questions which, if skipped or left unanswered, will render the whole exercise of understanding futile; one simply cannot reach anywhere. As everyone should be familiar by now, there are terrible confusions because of conflicting statements from government officials regarding the number of terrorists, casualties, arrests, if any etc. etc. We will not go into that mess, using sheer common sense let us see what has ‘at least’ happened, and for certain, and what are the most basic questions. Now, it is certain that a terrorist attack successfully took place, fully trained boys participated, high-cost assets were targeted, the operation lasted for quite some hours, PN and Rangers lost their men. Trying to extract truth from the facts, doesn’t it make sense to say that an attack of this scale was planned well in advance, may be over a period of time, and professional inputs and expertise had gone into the preparation of the plan? Who planned it, and where? Since P3C Orion maritime surveillance aircrafts were targeted, it would follow that the operation was aimed at the destruction of Pakistan’s national defence assets rather than creating a law and order situation. Doesn’t it give us vital clues about who the planners could be? One, a P3C aircraft cannot be torn by a bullet, it needs high explosive; two, the terrorists were not finished in a moment it took some hours, the question to be asked is who in the first place raised this small company of highly trained terrorists, and where did the training took place? Who provided arms and ammunition including explosives? And last but not least, who financially ‘invested’ in this terror project?

Apart from this there is something more I wish to bring to the attention of our valued visitors at Wanepeynd. This relates to what I call Specific-Agenda-Driven discourses and narratives that have been coming up particularly after the reported killing of Osama Bin Laden. I think we should leave that to next week insha-Allah.

About Blogger:
Dr. Syed M Inayatullah Andrabi is the founder convenor of Mahazi-Islami, Occupied Kashmir. He is an intellectual-political activist from Srinagar, capital city of occupied Kashmir.

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10 thoughts on “War on Pak Navy: Why Big Questions are being skipped?

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    This is undoubtedly a grave incident that needs to be deliberated from every nook and cranny. As author has rightly put it that this is not something that Rehman Malik and the government he represents want us to believe.
    This is not a normal terrorist attack as terrorists normally create mayhem by going berserk on people around. However, here the attack was not on the people but on the valued assets that form a pivotal part of the Pakistan’s naval forces bordering the sea against the ills of India.
    Even if notorious Tehrek Taliban have accepted the attack but I feel it would be too naïve to go their word since this kind of attack needs thorough skills that cannot be equipped by normal terrorists with the circumstances terrorists function.

  • Khalid Ahmed Chaudry

    Because we have a history in which the founder of Pakistan Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was left to die on the road side and no enquiry was started, because when our prime minister Liaqat Ali khan was killed in Rawalpindi, nothing cam out, because military actions against Balochistan are part of the history and present in which we need answers ..why?, because 1970 late Sheikh Mujibur Rehman the “Prime Minister “of Pakistan was kept away from the oath, because all those responsible for the break of Pakistan and the bloodshed in the East Pakistan had never to face trials,because Z.A. Bhutto appointed one the junior genral (Ziaul Haq) as COAS and no body condemend, because Genral Zia suported extremism and fanticism and he was not forced to see the justice, because through out the history of Pakistan, looting and plundering of Pakistan, her dream and the rights of the people continued and the culprits never had to face trials, because stability of the federation of Pakistan is at stake (due to the ruling elites and other factors) and every one is saying “Sub Accha Hay” .

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Khalid Ahmed Chaudry:

    Well said and the current democracy that people refer to as ‘NRO Democracy’ is the continuation of what you have described.

  • Dr. Iqbal Syed Hussain

    Countering Islamophobia and promoting understanding WHAT SHOULD THE WORLD KNOW ABOUT ISLAM? by Dr. Iqbal S. Hussain Dear Sir/Madam, ISLAM remains the most misunderstood religion in the modern age. Since 9/11 a concerted wave has been going on to defame Islam and condemn its followers. Consequently, under the cover of terrorism the theory of the Clash of Civilizations has been revived to establish that the West and the Muslim world are poised on the brink of confrontation. This is a sordid segment of human history and very unfortunate development, indeed, to diminish further the prospects of human dignity, peace and understanding. At “HUMANITY International” we thought of the response that we as victims of misunderstandings and attacks could offer to reduce the quantum of onslaughts unleashed by the newCons and fanatics –men of power inspired by means of destruction. As feeble, intellectuals, our contribution could be nothing more than writing books and countering the evil effects of fanaticism that was enveloping the whole world within its embrace. In order to reverse the stings of growing scratches we produced the books, which we are now bringing to your notice for your study and comments. These books, we hope, will go a long way to prove that ISLAM does not preach fanaticism and terrorism has nothing to do with its essence and spirit. The West should understand this if we have to live in peace and amity. Our latest books “ TERRORISM IN ACTION: Why blame ISLAM?” and “ ISLAM & THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS”, reveal how counterfeit conceptions and distorted perceptions can cause confusions and confrontations. A terrifying scream rises from the orgy of violence and phobias lead to persecution and destruction. We have to stop somewhere and ponder on the follies that we as human beings are prone to commit. The media and political corridors polluted by egocentric and ideological idiosyncrasies are made increasingly susceptible to substances that terrify us and ‘make our minds reel’. Ridiculing the Prophet of Islam and condemning Muslims all over the world is not a mystery to the modern reader in the West. These actions justify nothing but a belief in the negative notions impacting the history of ideas and institutions. It is an easy formula for mutual exploitation and destruction. This is solely for this reason that we invite you to read and review our books both for individual and collective consciousness– on which depends the well-being of the whole world. We want to create consciousness and induce the readers to renounce the aims of alienation and misinformation, dogmatism and bigotry. We hope, you will appreciate our feelings and add your weight and thought to the noble causes we have set before us– the aims which are oriented to the realization of the unity of mankind. Our books, we hope, will inaugurate the avenues, which lead to understanding ISLAM and removing the misconceptions, which hinder the process of peace and amity. It is this organic view that may motivate the system of evolution, which might lead to the realization of the ultimate aims of religions and civilizations. Thanks and regards. Dr. Iqbal Syed Hussain HUMANITY International (E-Mail: [email protected]) 14- Mohl. F’abad, Gujranwala, Pakistan. e-Mail: [email protected] US ISLAMOPHOBIC COTTAGE INDUSTRY Misconception of Islam in the West is the most disturbing phenomenon of the 21st century. With bias, bigotry and clashes this phenomenon has assumed ugly facets which have become the most pronounced features of the current Western perception of Islam. Confusion and confrontation, distortions and deviations have become the normal course of Western ideological interpretations and political actions. Since 9/11 demonization of Islam in the West has assumed the dimensions of a cottage industry which continues to concoct the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and fabricate the diabolical depictions which have nothing to do with the realities of religion and civilization. The latest developments have appeared in the destructive devices devised by a fanatic priest in Florida, who had planned to burn the Holy Qur’an just to avenge his misconceptions caused by misinterpretations of Islam. In the current age of anger and despair, tempers are let loose on the slightest pretext of misconceived perception without delving into the depth of realities. Probing and perceiving the true perspectives is a hard task which very few people undertake. At the same time on the Muslim front there are very few scholars and communicators who could convey the true meanings of Islam to the West. There is an acute dearth of refined literature and books on Islam which could be easily accessible to fanatics like Pastor Jones. This shows how easily and maliciously the Muslims in the West are placed in the mould of evils which George W. Bush, the former US President, and his neo-cons had deliberately fabricated. The same policy is now being followed by Barack Obama who launched an illegal attack on the sovereignty of Pakistan. This was the most disastrous event in the history of Pakistan and a severe blow to the charter of the United Nations which ensures the sanctity of national boundaries and international peace. The US onslaughts against the Muslims are coupled with pernicious perceptions further perpetrated by the anti-Islamic campaigns in Denmark, Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. While caricaturing the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the Swiss and French governments banned the building of new minarets and the use of niqab. These are the ugly features of a prefabricated, distorted structure devised and designed by the Islamophobic cottage industry of the United States. In order to dilute the distorted elements of this “outrageous path of hatred”, we have produced a number of books which are oriented to creating a better understanding of Islam and pave way for mutual respect and interaction. Muslim countries cannot be perpetually exposed to onslaughts and pushed to a constant volley of clashes of civilizations as Professor Huntington visualized and propounded in his books. If not properly responded, the devices of the neo-cons and onslaughts of the extremists will go on polluting the environments and destabilizing the world. Here comes the wisdom of the scholars, the perception of the politicians and tolerance of common men that can rescue the humanity from the crusades of the western imperialists who often appear as wolves and tigers intending to dominate and devour the innocent human beings in undernourished confines of the developing world. In our books we have established the humanistic credentials of Islam and paved way for responding to the misconceptions of the western society and Christian theology. We have made it clear that the biggest loss is the loss of perception and the strongest response is the response of conversing and not colliding with other disciplines and religions. For details please contact: HUMANITY International Tel: 0092-55-3842583 Cell: 0300-7792452 e-Mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.modernislamicstudies.org Tel: –0092-55-384258 Cell: 0300-7792452 MAKING ISLAM RELEVANT TO MODERN AGE… . Our books to create better understanding, harmony & peace. 1. ISLAM & WESTERN CIVILIZATION Rs. 500.00 (Not in stock) 2. THE QUR’AN & MODERNISM: Beyond Science and Philosophy. Rs. 500.00 3. TERRORISM IN ACTION: Why blame Islam? Rs. 650.00 4. DECLINE OF THE MUSLIM UMMAH (English) Rs. 600.00 5. PAKISTAN: crises, crises and crises A proud nation but a failing state Rs. 600.00 6. THE MUSLIM DELUSION: Islam between orthodoxy & enlightenment Rs. 500.00 7. QUR”AN HAKIM : Falosafa Husn-o- Hyat (URDU) Rs. 500.00 8. ISLAM AND CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS Rs. 600. 9. Wolves in Paradise An Encounter with WARRIORS OF GOD: Rs. 700.00 10. TEARS for PAKISTAN: A journey into despair (in pipeline) 11. Zwal Ummat-e-Muslimah (DECLINE OF THE MUSLIM UMMAH) (Urdu) (in pipeline) 12. ISLAM: Its Impact on World Civilizations (in pipeline) The Route to Renewal & Renaissance HUMANITY International: E-Mail:: [email protected]

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    Pakistan is under attack from Al Qaeda, Talibans, and US. However, there is yet another collision that is more detrimental as this collision is inside Pakistan.

    In Pakistan liberals are on a head-on tussle with religious parties. Moreover, another classification of today’s Pakistan is being termed as ‘Ghairath Brigade’ and ‘Non-Ghairath Brigade’.

    And who will make these realize that when two elephants fight it is the grass (people) that suffers most.

  • Farooq Shah

    It is obvious, as Dr Inayatullah put it; that this an operation that required skill, training, planning, motivation, will, and a strong objective. Let us analyze Unfortunately, we will not get to the bowls until we study the history of civilizations. Who best can teach us other than the greatest historian of modern times, Toynbee, the author of “History of Civilizations”, a ten volume treatise which has been abridged to two volumes. One must also keep in mind Huntington’s views, Lord Macalay’s policies, dethroning of Dr Mussadiq in Iran, Bush’s flips, consistent US policies, murder of King Faisal, Murder of General Zia-ul-Haq, 9/11 event and tight lipped policy and attempt to hide facts by US, 700 visas issued in US by Hussain Haqqani to special agents, drama of Usama’s capture, etc. etc. etc. What is the final outcome of the treatise of Toynbee? He says, “Ultimately two civilizations remain, western (christian) and Islamic. There is a war in which there are no bystanders, everyone is involved. This is a game where there are no spectators only players, everyone is a player.” He goes on to analyze the current situation and comments, “alas, we are losing or at least not on winning streak.” He assigns the reason to secular states, the jinny created by the west. According to him this jinny will ultimately hurt the western(christain) civilzation. I think once you study it from historical standpoint, evaluate cause and benefit of various related events in history; it is not difficult to see what is happening. Pakistan is a state of 170 million hardworking, skillful, and religious muslims. Its scientists and engineers are no less than anyone. What others have achieved with trillions of $$ Pakistanis have achieved with billions, in less time and perhaps better than its neighbors. It is the only Islamic Country in the world which capable of defending itself under any circumstance and its has the ultimate weapon. Enemies of Pakistan, the trio that everyone talks about, cannot stomach this situation and let it grow to take its rightful position of leading Islamic world. Thus, it is very important that west takes full control, they used their cronies to soften the ground, create opportunities for them to be on ground. Now all they have to do is to declare it a failed state and justify to take direct control at best OR bring it to its knees (with the help of cronies, at the helm of affairs and power). No Taliban, no Alqaida, no terrorists etc., have such grand objectives, skills, access, training, and funding. So please call spade a spade and dont blame these novices.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    If Rehman Malik want us to beleive that this was the attack from Taliban or other extremists then why do not such Taliban exist in Afghanistan and why do not we see these kind of attacks in Afghanistan against US and NATO?

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @ Farooq Saheb:

    Yes, as I said below it would be too naïve to acknowledge that this attack was executed by the terrorists of Talibans, AL Qaeda, etc since they are not that strategic.

    However, the serious matter to ponder over is for whom these Talibans and AL Qaedas are working? These extremists are hell bent on destabilizing the Pakistan as they keep playing their bullet music on the streets of Pakistan.

  • Syed M I Andrabi

    Taliban, Pakistan Tahreeki Taliban, or Al-Qaeada is not the answer. These are merely labels of convenience. We are asking who are the planners, who are the handlers. Pakistan is maintaining a criminal silence on the big questions, and everything is focussed on how it happened and the security lapses. Those are genuine questions, but the master question is who was behind it.By not raising that question, let alone answer, the state of Pakistan risks forfeiting its claim of sovereignty. If a state is not able to simply identify and name its adversary, can it be called sovereign? In Abbotabad episode on 2nd May, 11 the master question was already resolved: US had done it. Naturally, other relevant questions were raised.Here that crucial question remains unattended to.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Dr.Syed M I Andrabi

    My concern is simple and a genuine one too. In the midst of all this one can easily find the clouds of confusion hovering across Pakistan and in Indian Occupied Kashmir. These elements of extremism or whatever school of thought are yet to be identified in unison by all the sections of the society. Some people still label them as Mujahids or ‘Kher Kha’ despite of the fact that these elements are simply doing the work of enemies of Pakistan especially India in the region.

    Are Pakistanis and kashmiris so gullible that these elements are able to accommodate themselves in any color they want?

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