Al-QaedaOsama Bin LadenPakistanUnited StatesWanePeynd

Osama Bin Laden: Has He Really Been Killed????

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United States has claimed it has killed Bin Laden today, 2nd May, 2011, in Pakistan’s city of Abbotabad . People are thronging streets in New York and elsewhere in US to celebrate the event. The news is beamed from almost every TV channel, we too are talking about it at the Wanepeynd now. Here are a few initial thoughts:

1) Things can be true or untrue, but sometimes things claimed to be true immediately beg questions. That does not make them untrue, but, if the questions raised are genuine, the veracity of a claim gets compromised. We do not say the US claim of killing Osama is untrue, but we have genuine reasons to doubt the veracity of the claim. Just consider:

The former president of Pakistan, Retired General Musharaf has in the past gone on record more than once saying that Osama Bin Laden was in all probability killed in US war against ‘Terror’. He said this while he was, both, the President of Pakistan as well as Chief of the Armed Forces, and, therefore, privy to the sensitive intelligence affairs. The info cannot be simply brushed aside as some sort of gimmick or whatever, and has to be given some credence.

The reports say, US forces shot him in head, why? US knows that he was more of a figure head now rather than a Chief actively commanding his folks. As such, he was a treasure of information for US who are engaged in worldwide campaign, going from one country to another, purportedly to hunt down alQaeda militants. Why could not they shoot him in the leg or at any other place to immobilise him? Well, he got killed, where is the dead body? India’s senior journalist Praveen Swami rightly said that US might have thought that having Bin Laden’s dead body would trigger reprisals blackmailing the state, but that would happen only if the body was held for some period of time, say one or two days, not if it was merely displayed before main media persons, and then ‘buried in the sea’ as US claims. So far we have not seen any photographs of the killed Osama.

2) The scene of people rejoicing in US streets was really pathetic. One could only pity, in the sense of deeply sympathising, a people who do not bother to check the facts for themselves and are swayed by the official noises. US authorities have all along held Al-Qaeada responsible for 9/11 attacks on World Trade Centre in New York. The incontrovertible truth is that there is not a shred of evidence to substantiate and validate that claim. Dr Ahmedinajad, the Iranian president, was absolutely right in asking the world community in the United Nations General Assembly recently to institute a formal probe into 9/11 events, because US has so far failed to come up with a single convincing evidence to validate the claim, and yet this event has formed the basis of American hegemonic missions all around the world. I, myself, have never believed US claim, and continue refusing to believe it. My reasons are clear: the 9/11 attack killed thousands, we regret the loss of innocent lives, are deeply hurt at any cruelty anywhere in the world, but when it comes to the impact 9/11 bombings made on the West’s leadership, their moral and psyche, it was extra-ordinary, huge, terrible and devastating. This is my firmly held conviction that people like Osama could have never done it, simply because he was friendly with US to the extent they worked together in Afghanistan to defeat Soviet Union. If US had done any ‘crimes’ which Osama and his folks had been later beating the drum about, for example, supporting Isreal etc. etc. that was true then also (at the time of collaboration). Islamic Movement had always a clear view of US, and abhorred even the idea of doing something which would practically amount to acting as US foot soldiers in a covert military campaign against its rival Soviet Union. It is simply that such people, the ones like Osama, were unable to garner that will and imagination required to hit the Twin Towers. That does not mean eulogising the 9/11 operation, or saying that it required very great human capabilities; it is simply underlining a technical point: US or for that matter any other state has its enemies and they indulge in anti-state activities, but 9/11 was a different genre, more than anything else it required a huge flight of imagination, something Osama and Co could not have mustered against someone who, not long ago, they had worked shoulder to shoulder with.

3) Osama’s departure is being linked to US exit from Afghanistan. This may or may not happen, or may happen for all together a different set of reasons. Osama and Taliban have always been a smokescreen for the West to occupy Afghanistan, as were Iraq’s ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’. Among the main strategic objectives behind Afghan occupation are encirclement of the Islamic Republic of Iran, denuclearisation of Pakistan, vigil over China and Central Asia’s vast mineral resources.

About Blogger:
Dr. Syed M. Inayatullah Andrabi is the founder convenor of Mahazi-Islami, Occupied Kashmir. He is an intellectual-political activist from Srinagar, capital city of occupied Kashmir.

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41 thoughts on “Osama Bin Laden: Has He Really Been Killed????

  • OSAMA BIN LADEN DIEDIN THORA BORA – AFGHANISTAN ON 13TH DECEMBER , 2003. Written by political analyst and philosopher Professor David Ray Griffin, former emeritus professor at California’s Claremont School of Theology, it is provoking shock waves – for it goes into far more detail about his supposed death and suggests there has been a cover-up by the West. The book claims that Bin Laden died of kidney failure, or a linked complaint, on December 13, 2001, while living in Afghanistan’s Tora Bora mountains close to the border with Waziristan. His burial took place within 24 hours, in line with Muslim religious rules, and in an unmarked grave, which is a Wahhabi custom. Read more:–U-S-Britain-covering-continue-war-terror.html#ixzz1LE7Y0fc8 —————— The most convincing conspiracy theory is that Bin Laden died shortly after the battle of Tora Bora in December 2001. Even before 9/11 the Al Qaeda chief was widely reported to be in poor health, suffering from a kidney disease and possible hepatitis infection. In a film released to Al Jazeera in December 2001 but shot in October, he is seen barely moving his left side, and looking pale and drawn. He does not claim responsibility for 9/11, but praises all attacks on the US as the occupier of muslim lands. ——— The theory runs that an ailing Bin Laden, struggling to keep up the dialysis treatments he needed for his kidney disease, succumbed to his ill health and passed away peacefully before being buried within 24 hours in the Afghan mountains. His “death” was reported in the Pakistan Observer shortly before Christmas 2001, and picked up by Fox and other American news networks on Boxing Day. They quoted an unnamed Taliban commander confirming Bin Laden’s death and funeral. World leaders from Pakistan’s President Musharaf to US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld speculated that Bin Laden could be dead. But within a year another Bin Laden tape surfaced, again showing a different looking and sounding Osama, who theorists claim was an obvious fake used to justify the US War on Terror.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    As has been the case US has been dilly dallying with the character called ‘Osama bin laden’ to ensure the script of the game in South Asia as pointed out by the author goes on well. There are indeed certain interesting areas touched by the author.

    1. Was this event scripted? As these days situation in Pakistan is brewing against the unstoppable attacks (drone or otherwise) of US in the tribal region. This is because people are now talking about the untold collateral damage caused by the drone attacks. Many innocents including women and children have become the target of these attacks. Moreover, some circles also talk about the sovereignty of Pakistan being at stake by US interference now militarily and Raymond Davis’s case is a fresh in this regard.
    Therefore, this event could offer a novel reason for US to talk against Pakistan being used by elements of people like Osama.

    2. Author’s concerns about the people in US who straight away acknowledge whatever news come from the official sources. This is a matter of concern that people of the world’s super power are so ignorant about the real happenings happening in the world outside US boundaries.

    3. If this event is believed to be true, was it carried out on the soil of Pakistan in secrecy without letting the Pakistan security status know? This too would raise many and many queries.

  • Tanveer Habib

    America’s leaving Afghanistan got a reason in Osama’s ‘death’. So Americans may justify the war that they wrongly chose. Pakistan’s relation with America recently turned sour, so it might have been made possible by the support of Pakistan’s Intelligence-Army-Government efforts to win back American support. However, the gut feeling is Osama is alive and strong. Lets wait.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Kamal Khan:well said.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    Now there will be debates and discussions about Osama especially from the groups that treat him hero or symbol of resistance when in reality his activities have been a grave mystery. There is no denying of the fact as it on record that Osama and his team was a partner in US war on Afghanistan and then suddenly this team becomes holier to some Muslims after killing innocents all over the world.

  • I totally agree with the author. Even the residents of the area as reported my media are shocked to hear that OBL was living amongst them. I wonder what compulsion is keeping the authorities in Pakistan quite about this incident and why the true facts are not being released. On a lighter note, US should consider buying choppers from China now as every time their forces on an important mission one odd chopper develops ‘mechanical’ prioblems and crashes in such a manner that none on board is even hurt. Bravo US

  • Shiekh Tariq

    I pity the people of US who are supposed to be the citizens of the most advanced country on Earth and yet they act like amature group of pathetics. It is an open secret that 9-11 was orchestered in White House and a person called “OBL” is himself wrapped in mysteries and puzzles since the time he baombarded (God Knows) American Embassies. US hidden agencies are involved in a concept called MC-Ultra, which means Ultra Mind Control and the tool they are using is “Media”. They are literally controlling the minds of their people and they make them to believe whatever they want… US media created the demons in thin air like saddam, Osama and maybe now ahmadinejad. They need a punching bag in order to justify their policing the world. Their is an overwhelmig proof for that and I don’t know why meany people are not able to see…. back on the killing of Osama, I wonder how can a fugitive remain so fresh and young for 10 years though he was looking older in his 10 year old picture… I think the picture of Dead Osama they flash on news channels might be the picture of osama who was killed 10 years back and now since obama is completing his teure and needs to be re-elcted, he needs a push of something unique and comprehensive so he played a trump card of osama killing.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Sheikh Tariq:
    You are at the right path in your assertions although you seemed to loose your track by putting all into the same basket and this is dangerous as we got to ensure what we are comparing. What grounds let you put Ahmedinejad into the same basket as that of Osama and Saddam and there seems to be logic missing.

    Osama and Saddam on record and are facts, have been partners of US. Iran Iraq war is a testimony to it on the simpler front. US war on Afghanistan and Religious parties such as Jamat Islami in Pakistan, Saudis and Bind Laden’s involvement in it and making it Jihad is well established. However, its just Iran after the Islamic revolution, has been at the fore front for the Islam and Muslims at the political level globally and its Iran that has become problem for US games.

  • Tanveer Habib

    When Soviet Union entered Afghanistan, the London Economist called it an invasion and defined invasion as; “An invasion is an invasion unless the invader is invited in by a government with a claim to legitimacy”. However, when America invaded Vietnam, the invasion became a ‘defence’. Thus, linguistically speaking, America literally distanced itself from agentive power though it used its power to kill hundreds of thousands of humans there. It is all an agenda. Osama could well have been killed far back (Musharraf and many well knowing Journos claimed so in past) but America held on to the name of him to prolong their stay in Afghanistan, thereby, keeping a vigil on Pakistan as well, which they think is the only representative of Muslim world capapble of showing a resistance in that it has not signed CTBT and No-first-use.

  • Sheikh Gulzaar

    The Assassination of Mr. Sheikh Osama bin Laden By Sheikh GULZAAR Srinagar, May3 : The Assassination of Mr. Sheikh Osama bin Laden actually comes to late and has been a total waste of effort on the United States Navy’s elite SEAL Team 6, this is because Osama bin Laden had already proved his ability as the Al Qaeda chief on the successful planning of 9/11. After this success Al Qaeda and the Taliban new that his Duty was over and after 9/11 he did not plan any other attacks. Members of The Al Qaeda and Taliban never questions the actions of there Chief and other members do not create politics on step on toes to become a Chief when there is a already a Chief, even thought Osama bin Laden did not plan more attacks, his health was failing and he was also becoming old other member did not try to become chief but respected Osama bin Laden as the chief and let him be to live the way he wanted without questioning or asking him to plan or lead. Members of The Al Qaeda and Taliban were just waiting for Osama bin Laden to die in action or of natural causes to start the process of appointing a new Chief. The US need to really be worried now as the new chief may be a young person whom will not hesitate to use the worst methods to fight for there cause. unlike Osama bin Laden whom new the limits to fight for there cause. Sheikh GULZAAR Editor, writer-South Asia POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR Jammu and Kashmir 190001 (Via New Delhi-India) Ph: +91-1933-223705,91-9858986794 e-mail: [email protected]

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Tanveer Habib:Well said and nicely deciphered.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Sheikh Gulzaar
    1. How sad that the US did not contact you before embarking upon this attack?
    2. Do you really believe that 9/11 was executed by Al Qaeda and Taliban?
    3. You even know what is going on inside Taliban and Al Qaeda. How exciting? You can move on and write a book on this.
    4. Why don’t you do a good deed by letting US know about the dangers that are now there as young chief will take over Osama. At least by doing so you can save some innocent human live.

  • Shiekh Tariq

    @Aijaz Ahmed: I don’t mean to say that Ahmadinejad is a demon, nor i mean to say that OBL or Saddam were villians, neither will i emphasise that they were right persons, I just can’t judge people with the media inputs, especially when inputs are coming from BBC, CNN and FoxNews. What I meant to say that US hidden agencies can demonise anyone they feel can help them in establishing the dajjali nizam (New World Order)…

  • Sofi Imtiyaz

    Present or future can be depicted from the past. Just have a look at the recent past; what drama did Amercica do when they arrested Saddam. The killing of Osama is just yet another drama and nothing else. They want to raise to ground Pakistan. And also they are intended to further put Afgan and Pak at loggerheads with each other.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Sofi Imtiaz: Agree with you!

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Sheikh Tariq:
    I urge you to read your last comment to apprehend what one will understand from it. Yes, its true corporate media outlets such as BBC, CNN are run by authorities; however, such an excuse must not let one to cover the eyes from the truth. Before I embark upon further on this I would love to ask you the following.Does it mean that OBL, Taliban, Saddam, etc do not exist?

  • Shiekh Tariq

    @Aijaz Ahmed: I think you misunderstood my whole concept, US agencies are well organised and highly intellictual. Their policies are not made for a time span of days or months but they have advance policies for 100 years and whatever is happenig now was defined and strategised decades and decades back…. Their policies include creating organisation in hostile lands and those organisations have people who are themselves misinformed and mind controlled. a good example is Kasab, a lone “caught alive” in bombay terrorist attack. Once you grasp that concept, pakistani taliban and other misguided organisation’s presence seem to make sense…. These are the organisations who can create suicide bombers at will and they will not hesitate to blow themselves up even in hospitals and schools, and we have been seeing it again and again… Now you can think as with whom we are dealing with. One of the best tools those agencies are using is the media which is used so effectively that people can believe anything in Media now. Whatever I have discussed is just a mini chunk of that infact their policies are so much well organised they cover almost every aspect of life….. And that is why I told you that I dont believe the perspective the western media wants to show me.

  • khurshid ahmad malik

    I agree with gen mushrafs view. Bush administration kept him alive to justify war on terror.Obama had to kill this character to justify leaving afganistan. The family members of bin laden might have lived in thetargetted house within the knowledge of all intelligence agencies, including c.i.a. The truth will come out today or tommorrow yes the latter will be too late.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @khurshid ahmad malik
    And to move furher truth is
    1. Musharf sold Pakistani men and women to US for dollars writeen in his book by himself)
    2. Pakistan army waited and watched the embrasement they brought to the Pakistan as nation! Gusto!
    3. Musharaf allowed US to use Pakistan soil for drone attacks and thereby killing his own people for lust of powere. Hail you Musharaf
    4. Pakistan army men living a luxurious lives whereas the common people suffer to get gas and roti. Gusto Pakistani army
    5. Pakistan army, military brought whatever the sham remaining to the Nation. Bravdo Pakistan army

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Sheikh Tariq:But it is not asnwer to my simple question?

  • Shiekh Tariq

    @Aijaz Ahmed: your very simple question was answered very simply in my previous answer. All of these people exist but they might not be what they have been potrayed as. The other option is that they might be created for some special reason and until that reason has been satisfied they will remain….

  • The author, Dr Indrabi, a political activist in self exile from Kashmir , has discredited Osama,s contribution in Afgan war, as being the foot soldier of America, which is incorrect,unjust and rediculous. His asserton that”the Islamic movement’ (read Iran and the leftist block)did not take any part in the compaign against USSR in Afghan war, suggests that this “islamic movement’ is not universally against aggression, occupation and injustice and is selective against America and Israel. Osama’s anti Amercan movement after Afgan war(when they needed Amerca’s help) is welknown, credible and not just fiction or American creation, as Dr Indrabi wants to project it, for his own biases against many such genuine global islamic movements.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Shiekh Tariq
    Do you mean to say :
    1. OBL is not what he is being displayed as? What is he then?
    2. Taliban is not what it is being displayed as? What are they then?
    3. Saddam was not what he was displayed as? What he was then?

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Dr. Altaf Saheb:
    Osama and his team was brought from Riyadh into Afghanistan during early 1980s by the then authorities of Pakistan, religious parties of Pakistan, Saudis and all headed by CIA under the eyes of Ronal Reagan. Osama and his team did play its role in Afghanistan war, which at first instance, was not required at all since people of Afghanistan would have done that even without Osama keeping in view their history of being war lords. However, isn’t true that Osama was merely a foot soldier for US through Saudi establishment.
    This is completely just Dr. Altaf Saheb that Osama is/was nothing more than that. Was war in Afghanistan an Islamic movement? I seek your answers Dr. Altaf Saheb.

  • Sajad Rasool

    Osama’s killing has initiated a vast debate among ntellectuals, writers, scholors and Journalists. And it is a concreate fact that with the killing of an indiudual the Movements never wind up. The current crisis is just a conspiracy against Pakistan to disintegrate its unity, as this is the only muslim Nation among 65 muslim countries having Nuclear powers. This has been the Zionist policies to capture its resources. OBL’s killing took place 10 years back in the mountains of Afghanistan. Which is a cracking fact.If US and its NATO alliance killed him , where is dead body? Why they are hiding that from the world community? There are hundreds of question which are born , when debating the whole game…

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Sajad Rasool:
    Agree with you to some extent but where were the army men and military men when lone nuclear armed Muslim country was attacked in her heart. Was that also Zionist conspiracy?

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    Grapes of OBL are sour and such grape grows in Arab world such as Riyadh.

  • Shiekh Tariq

    @Aijaz Ahmed: I gave you two options but you just stuck to the first one. Don’t just contradict others for the sake of contradiction, we are here to know the ideas, insights and researches of other people in order to update ourselves so that we can be intellictually equipped….

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Shiekh Tariq:
    I do not need options to guess around whereas I sought the facts, logic and reasons. Now you are flipping the flap instead of getting to the topic you are just dabbling around and blaming me, that’s not fair, that’s not valid and that’s not reasonable.
    As you pointed out that we are here to know each other and know the things in their shape and not to get carried away under guise of any color- be it green. Now I sought something to get to real roots of what we are discussing and instead of being honest in deliberation you want me to jump over. That won’t do and I am not going to jump (the way Osama, Pakistan, and Muslims parties did in Afghan war without even taking the trouble of thinking what they were sowing) even if you forced me to do so.
    Come to the track and deliberate.

  • Tanveer Habib

    Fanon- often called the pioneer of resistant literature- once remarked that each generation must discover its mission and then fulfill it or betray it. What he wants to convey to a beseiged people is that they can never think of being in between the two. Everyone of us has to either support- in whatever way- a mission or simply betray it. But unfortunately we keep hanging ourselves in between thus damaging our own credibility. People in Kashmir (a lot of them academicians)are always seen criticising leaders without contributing even a thought. Same is the case in the whole world as far as Muslim world is concerned.

  • In response question raised Why they did not capture him.Simple if they captured him alive he must be tried in open court so 9/11 drama could be exposed.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @ ALL / Dr. Altaf Saheb:
    Just read these lines as they are important and see what our religious parties are upto.
    The President of Jamate-Islami Mr. Syed Munawar Hasan while on Talat Hussain’s show (DAWN TV) yesterday said that if Russians come today and offer their help to push US out of Afghanistan then they will definitely seek that help.
    I would love to ask, “Have Mr. Syed Munawar Hasan forgot that this is what they did during 1980s and today Pakistan is harvesting the same very crop?”
    My simple question to Dr. Altaf Saheb: will it be Jihad also?

  • @Aijaz Khan Afgan Compaign was not a Dawah Mission in conventional sense, but it was a struggle against occupation, aggression and injustice, for which most of the people, including Osama, got inspired from Islam, not from America. It was ,also, a heroic and inspirational struggle against advencement of Communism towards muslim nations, and therefore, an Islamic Movement.It is different question, that the vetrans of that struggle could not manage to harvest the fruits of that struggle and spoiled the efforts of the heros from far off muslim lands , who offered all possible sacrifices for a cause, not like our “intellectuals” who fled to safe havens, leaving their nation behind, in the hell of occupiation.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Dr. Altaf Saheb:
    Therefore, you mean to say that Osama and like minded people such as Jamate Islami, Saudis, etc got inspired from Islam to help US in her war against Russia in Afghanistan. Does it mean that Islam as per you taught them to help one colonial and anti-Islam power against the other power, which is also anti-Islam? Does it mean that Osama and like minded people got inspired from Islam to kill innocents? Does it mean Osama and like minded people got inspired from Islam to bring destruction (Afghanistan, Pakistan)?
    I seek your enlightenment on the above. Please describe me Osama and like minded people jumped into the war for what objectives.

  • Shiekh Tariq

    @Aijaz Ahmed: You have made this dialogue very complex and the threads are very hard to catch. You have some pre-notions in mind and you have made those notions touchstone to judge the ideas and insights of other people. Ajaz, what do you try to ascertain, do you want to say that your thinking is infallable. off course you have made some good points but you have developed a bad habit of moulding the ideas of others in such a way that they seem to negate yours and then you have a drum to beat to prove that you are right though many times you are saying the same thing what the other had to say but for the sake of contradicting and sensationalizing you contradict and sensationlize…..

  • Shiekh Tariq

    @ Azam… Kudos to you, you have made a valid and excellent point, infact that was a burning question as why they didn’t caught him alive….

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Sheikh Tariq:
    Let me set the record straight here. I urge you earlier as well to seek answers to my simple questions that I asked after reading your comments. And I request you again to read your comments and my response against your comments so that you get acquainted well to the matter under discussion. I did say in louder and bold terms that I do not want to speculate and guess whereas I want to talk about real facts, facts which exist, and facts which no one can distort.
    Seeking facts and talking truth do not make the topic complex and no sane and conscious person in the world will accept something without reasons and sanity. And Alhumdulillah I love to belong to this league of persons that do not accept and absorb a thing without reasons, logic and facts even if such a thing speaks against me. Truth is truth whether it comes from West or East and all sane people of all religions acknowledge truth. Painting green something which is not a fact does never make it Islamic and that is the simple rule of Islam.
    I seek the answers from you (and like minded people) to my questions that I raised here and instead of answering me in clear terms you now traced the other path of coming to my thinking and I have no problems whatsoever, as far as I get enlightened by your answers. Instead of answering my questions and comments you are swinging like a pendulum from one extreme to another and hence, you are hanging around. This is basically the mindset that is getting prominent around us and in this mindset people are swinging like a pendulum (something from here and something from there) without being rationale and bold enough to be at one side with reasons and facts. I belong to a mindset where 1+1=2 and hence, very clear whereas the mindset that I am talking about 1+1=? is not clear, as 1+1 can have any value for them.
    I simply asked the following questions to you after reading your comments:
    1. OBL is not what he is being displayed as? What is he then?
    2. Taliban is not what it is being displayed as? What are they then?
    3. Saddam was not what he was displayed as? What he was then?
    Now asking these questions is a rationale exercise and how come it made the topic complex. Answer me if you have any even if you paint them with green. Answer and make me and like-minded people understand and enlightened.
    Stay Blessed!

  • Shiekh Tariq

    @Aijaz Ahmed: Well Done! Just after reading the reply I am certain now that you are not only moulding the truths but you also try to put your words in my mouth, especially those words on which you can really rebut me… Coming to your comments, you belong to the league of people who call spade a spade, do you mean to say that all other in this discussion are dis-illusioned. If you are the man of facts, I am also the man of facts and if you read my mail very carefully i just made my analysis based on some research done after listening to some great scholars and personal research done on Internet. My Problem was not with your facts but the problem was to read my comments wearing your pre-notioned glasses which you always wear. You always feel that other person does not belong to your league and hence can’t ever be right…. your said: 1. OBL is not what he is being displayed as? What is he then? My reply was their in my previous mails but with the pre-notioed glasses you wear you rejected that how can the other man be right when i know everything… Anyway, I don’t know was OBL good or bad but i will not agree to what Bush and Obama speaks about him. I think I wrote in my previous comments that “OBL’s personality is hidden in puzzles and is mysterious” but you closed you eyes while reading that because you are the man of “YOUR FACTS” and you do not like if other person makes the same point as yours because you might have the copyright of that fact…. You further Said: 2. Taliban is not what it is being displayed as? What are they then? As far as I remember I did not speak about Taliban though i spoke about Pakistani Taliban and my statement was unequivocal and I said that they are Misguided, but off-course you will not see that since you belong to the league of people who are factual but I don’t know why you don’t see the facts made by others as you want to make your mark as a thumping debater on this discussion board by moulding the facts of others… you also said: 3. Saddam was not what he was displayed as? What he was then? I have the same reply to your question that what the media speaks about Saddam I don’t agree with that though personally I don’t know Saddam though he can be a person who was nurtered by US agencies himself and might have been used to establish their feet in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia… “You said” Answer me if you have any even if you paint them with green. Answer and make me and like-minded people understand and enlightened. that is what I am telling you, you are trying to catch me on the wrong foot so that you can be a great debator, if that is the reason, I will give you the trophy, you have won because I was not here to win a debate by hook or crook,but I was here to learn something…….

  • Shiekh Tariq

    @Aijaz Ahmed: Can you please copy and paste the interview of Imran Khan about OBL, I can’t open it here… send it through email….

  • Sheikh Gulzaar

    Dear all, There is currently a bloc of nations whose utmost desire is the destruction of the United States. That bloc grows larger every decade. While there may be a few nations that feel that way (China comes to mind), I think the only significant “bloc of nations” opposing the US do so only because of the US’s continued support for Israel. There is certainly a bloc of nations whose utmost deisre is the destruction of Israel, and I think if the United States were to halt aid to Israel and begin to publically support the Palestinians, the US would very quickly turn from an enemy to a friend in their eyes (it’s even widely speculated that Iran is interested in restoring ties with the United States but cannot reasonably do so until the US stops supporting Israel so forcefully and publically). Sheikh Gulzaar Asia-Middle East affairs editor Writer-South Asia home: e-mail: [email protected] Ph: 01933-223705, 09858986794

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