
Dalit Voice calls the bluff of “India Shining” : – DV Editorial

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From Dec.1, 2006 —for about two years— we started publishing a new column, “India Shining”, regularly in every issue of DV on p.13. The short reports published in this column are taken from the Brahminical toilet papers to prove the false claim of the ruling class that India’s “gallop” into unprecedented prosperity is all bullshit. Such a false claim of quantum jump from 8.6 to 9% to 10% GDP is proved wrong by the very toilet papers who made this claim.

Reckless exploiters:
India’s ruling upper castes cannot be more than 15% of our population. They are led by the vaidiks who have been the traditional centuries-old exploiters whom Budha, Guru Ravidas, Nanak, Phule, Dr. Ambedkar, Periyar E.V. Ramaswamy fought. They are the country’s leaders of thought and action having co-opted the other three caste groups—Kshatriya, Vaishya and to some extent even the shudra—and converted them into reckless, heartless exploiters.

What we have in the country today is the rule of this 15% upper castes who alone are the Hindu.

The exploited people comprise the SC/ST/BCs (65%) and Muslim/Christian/Sikhs (20%).

We have given this caste-wise statistical break-up in almost every writings on the subject.

With minor exceptions this 15% ruling class constitute the fair-skinned “India Shining” group and the rest are their servants and slaves. However, some among the slave castes and communities did break the barrier and became the bum-lickers. Sharad Pawar, the Maratha war-lord, Chandra Babu Naidu, the Khamma cooli, Narendra Modi, the Gujarati Teli, today, are some examples among the political class.

Near the gates of swarga:
This 15% rulers together with their bum-lickers have twisted our very value system and bent our very way of life to suit their immediate needs. What is worrying is the way these rulers are killing the very future of our children by instilling in them all false and dangerous values. Unthinking people reading these “India Shining” stories in the media get the impression that the country is flowing with milk and honey. And that we are just a couple of miles away from the gates of swarga.

What appears as their outward success — even as the inner strength of the country’s core values are collapsing — is due to the Brahminical toilet papers and TV which they have captured to distort and destroy the minds of those who are willing to get their minds destroyed. Once you make the youth gullible with such powerful psychological assaults the weak minds simply succumb. But the Bhoodevatas remain unchanged. While they pulverise our brains, their values are fully rooted in the system propounded in their holy Vedas and Shastras.

Kamasutra: Their main preoccupation is eating, entertainment, sex (kamasutra), and cheating. A life of perpetual pleasure and leisure.

From centuries they have been only pleasure-seekers and without doing any work they subject the rest to mental and physical crucifixion — which our people willingly undergo. This is the painless operation which in other words is called Hinduism. For details, please read our book, Know the Hindu Mind (DSA-2008, Rs. 100). They have been doing this since centuries and anybody coming in the way is mercilessly tackled and finished. DV has published articles on how they killed Saint Ravidas and his disciple Meerabai. (DV Feb.1, 2009 p.9: “Why Guru Ravidas was murdered?”). The cumulative effect of the Brahminical “India Shining” is proved in the recent Beijing Olympics. (DV Edit Sept.16, 2008: “Beef-eating & Olympics: India suffers Himalayan humiliation because of Hindu hate-mongers”).

As the overwhelming 85% of the slaves of India have no media of their own except Dalit Voice, what they paint as “India Shining” is taken as the supreme truth.

But the United Nations has created a new organisation called the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), an official of which recently visited India and his report speaks out the truth.



India fails to meet MDG standards


By official reckoning the GDP of India now belongs in the global elite if economies numbering only 12 countries in the world that have a trillion dollar economy. But how is this wealth spread across the country? The top 5% of the population control almost 40% of this wealth with more than 50% in the hands of top 10% altogether and the bottom 10% owning only 0.2% of the nation’s wealth and the bottom 50% owning less than 10% of the wealth. Gandhi’s statement about there being enough in the world to satisfy our need but not enough to satisfy our greed, is even truer of India today. But is anyone who matters listening? Interacting with some of the community political activists of the poorest of India shook my Gandhian/Congress Party of India loyalties. Any believer in the Mahatma has to stay away from V.T. Rajshekar, the crusading veteran journalist, V.T. Rajshekar who is the Editor of Dalit Voice. My brief interaction with him and reading some of his books such as the collection of essays he edited, Gandhi You Do Not Know, gave alternative analysis of the man that is very much less rosy than popularly understood and believed. We went to a village just 15 kilometer from New Delhi that gave us the starkest contrast of life in India. It is indeed incredible: cows moving as sacred animals holding up traffic, buffaloes used as we use cows — dispensing milk, tuk tuks, tricycles, all kinds of cycles, an assortment of Indian made cars. In short any movable objector being is used for transport.

In Bardarpur Khaddar, a small village of not mor than a couple of thousands, predominantly Muslim and Dalit (lower caste of Untouchables) you come face to face with how poverty and inequality affects the majority Indians. A country that has produced its own missiles, is leading in science and technology, ICTs, trading and manufacturing and almost anything else, yet the 400 children in this village have no school, no health facilities and travel to Delhi with extreme difficulty.

At an interaction with the community I asked them if they had elected representatives at the local, state and central levels and they answered “yes”. I then challenged them to use their votes to deny political power and legitimacy to leaders who will not respond to their needs. One of the community leaders, with obvious pain and frustration on his face, shook his head and told us that they had tried that and no one noticed. The explanation is that they are an insignificant demographic and political force without power to threaten the powers that be. When people do not have faith in their vote, what do they care if India is the smallest or largest democracy in the world?

As India celebrates its 52nd independence on 15th August its political leaders must address the incongruous situation that affects millions of its population who are structurally trapped in poverty. India will meet the MDGs, but hundreds of millions of Indians like the villages of Badarpur Khaddar, will not. Neither Gandhi nor Indian movies can satisfy them, only concrete action by their leaders.

([email protected])

Courtesy :  http://www.dalitvoice.org/Templates/march2009/editorial.htm

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