Kashmir Update

Unbelievable but True, and True because Allah(SWT) Willed it—how else can something become True.

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Ghulam Mohiddin Pandit of Nawpora, Srinagar is no more. He breathed his last in  Rainawari Hospital at about 11.45 pm on Friday, 21st of May 2021.    

The deceased was one of the few blessed souls in Kashmir who selflessly worked among the youth to create an Islamic political consciousness in them, putting the liberation of Kashmir from India and the unity of Ummah  at its forefront. He abhorred limelight and lived a simple and clean life.

I know br Mohiddin since late 1983 or early 1984 when I, as Chief of Islami Jamiate-Talaba , was addressing a small gathering in his local mosque, and he stood up and voluntarily offered to work with us. Since then he never looked back, and was my  very close and trusted associate in Mahazi-Islami, the organization we founded in 1991.

We continued to keep in touch after I left Kashmir in late 1994, and arranged a physical  meeting in 2008 at Dhaka, me travelling from London and the departed brother travelling from Srinagar along with another colleague. After this, Br Mohiddin on his return back to Kashmir tried to reenergize the organization there, and worked to the best of his ability against all odds of political, security and economic nature.  He remained committed to the broader goals of Islamic movement till his last breath. I talked to him just before Ramadan this year, and found him quite upbeat at Prime Minister Imran Khan’s crusade to cleanse Pakistan of corruption and corrupt leaders. May Allah, the Compassionate and Merciful, accept his good deeds, make his life in the world he has graduated into, happy and peaceful, and treat him with His special Mercy—-reserved for the Believers—-on the Day of Judgment, bestowing upon him the sublime bounty of the intercession of the Beloved Prophet and his purified Ahle-Bait, and grant him a place in Jannah in the noble Company of Righteous Ones.

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