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  • Zubin Mehta
    Zubin Mehta’s Planned Concert Must be Opposed: It is an Affront to the Muslim Personality of Kashmir
    Zubin Mehta, the Indian/Israeli Conductor/Music Director must not be allowed to perform in Kashmir, it is deeply offensive to our Islamic sensitivities. As has been rightly pointed out by prominent public figures like Syed Ali Shah Geelani, this concert, if held, will send wrong signals to the world that Kashmir is now absolutely peaceful.
  • Why Did We Not Shed Tears on Morsi’s Downfall?
    Why Did We Not Shed Tears on Morsi’s Downfall?
    As was expected, Morsi is gone. No tears, as we said in the previous blog, absolutely none at all. A detailed analysis is needed of what has happened and what lies ahead, but for now let us briefly explain the reasons why we took the ‘no tears’ position.
  • Mohammad Morsi
    No Tears for Morsi: The Earlier he Goes, the Better for Everyone
    President Mohammad Morsi of Egypt is facing a massive challenge to his presidency, and in all probability, the Ikhwan leader will have to quit. If that really happens, it should not come as a total surprise: keen students of Islamic Movement and political Islam like myself had predicted such an outcome right at the very start.
  • Afzal Guru’s Execution.
    Afzal Guru’s Execution
    Writing about the late Afzal Guru’s hanging in Tihar jail on February, 9th 2013, Miss Arundhati Roy has rightly remarked “What sets Guru’s killing apart is that, unlike those tens of thousands who died in prison cells, his life and death were played out in the blinding light of day in which all the institutions of Indian democracy played their part in putting him to death.”
  • UN Resolutions on Kashmir: Recent Skirmishes in the Camp of Kashmir’s Freedom Politics
    UN Resolutions on Kashmir: Recent Skirmishes in the Camp of Kashmir’s Freedom Politics
    Professor Abdul Ghani Bhat, a senior Hurriyat leader, recently made a statement about UN Security Council Resolutions which triggered a hostile reaction from some other groups in the Freedom camp, Hurriyat and non-Hurriyat. To be fair to Prof. Ghani, he did not focus on UN Resolutions per se; his argument related to their relevance and capability to bring about the resolution of Kashmir conflict.
  • What is Nuclear India Up To
    What is Nuclear India Up To
    What is Nuclear India Up To? India has successfully tested Agni-5, an inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) that can carry nuclear warhead and hit a target up to 5000 miles away. This brings whole of Asia, and most of Europe within the range of this missile.
  • Syria’s Expulsion from Arab League
    Syria’s Expulsion from Arab League could be a prelude to US/NATO intervention in Syria
    The Arab League has expelled Syria, apparently on account of the Syrian government’s brutal crackdown on anti government demonstrators. This is very significant move and dangerous consequences could follow. One has to take a fuller view of reality to grasp the political meaning of this move.
  • Kashmiri Taliban in the offing!
    Kashmiri Taliban in the offing!
    Pakistani leadership engrossed with trivial domestic political considerations, and vested interests, is almost totally oblivious of the happenings across the borders. In fact security of the State is not their concern. This column relates to a machiavellian conspiracy being hatched by India to deflect the ongoing indigenous freedom movement in IHK, cause commotion in AJK and to give a new sinister dimension to its orchestrated propaganda against Pakistan as being a State which harbours terrorism.
  • Mehran Naval Base, karachi
    War on Pak Navy: Why Big Questions are being skipped?
    On 22nd May, 2011 Pakistan Navy Base at Karachi was attacked by terrorists. To those who have some memories of Indo-Pak wars, it looked, as the news broke out on TV channels, as if Pakistan was attacked in a conventional war by an enemy state. However, this time it was a different story, not that different as Rehman Malik would have us believe, but definitely apparently different. We have come to Wanepeynd with a few thoughts to share about this most unfortunate incident:
  • Osama Bin Laden: Has He Really Been Killed????
    Osama Bin Laden: Has He Really Been Killed????
    United States has claimed it has killed Bin Laden today, 2nd May, 2011, in Pakistan’s city of Abbotabad . People are thronging streets in New York and elsewhere in US to celebrate the event. The news is beamed from almost every TV channel, we too are talking about it at the Wanepeynd now. Here are a few initial thoughts:
  • Agreement and Disagreement in Geneva
    Agreement and Disagreement in Geneva*
    There could be hardly any disagreement on agitating the Right of Self-Determination of all people of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, on highlighting the violations of human rights of all manner, prisoner’s rights, on the question of people’s empowerment, gender equality, opportunities for a decent living, corruption free administration, freedom of press, rule of law and on the will of the people as the basis of any government in Srinagar, Muzaffarabad and Gilgit.
  • Mubarak has Pushed the Protestors to the Wall
    Mubarak has Pushed the Protestors to the Wall
    The uprising in Egypt is now more than two weeks old, and Mubarak has once again refused to step down. To be precise, stepping down or aside didn’t find any mention in his speech delivered today (10/02/11) at about 11 PM Egypt standard time. fearing from day one strong reprisals from the Mubarak regime against the demonstrators, but that did not happen.
  • Freedom Politics In Kashmir: Issues, Problems and Future Prospects
    Freedom Politics In Kashmir: Issues, Problems and Future Prospects
    This is a universally accepted fact that Kashmiri people do not want to live with India. With the emergence of a new post-colonial south Asia in 1947, Kashmir like all other Muslim majority states would have opted to become a constituent state of Pakistan
  • Wikileaks
    The Flood of Leaks from Wikileaks
    Wikileaks has added a new chapter to the information age we are living in. With 24 hour non-stop television, internet, mobile, and other hand-held gadgets people are flooded with information, and facts, sometimes distorted, sometimes not, but almost always severed from the context. Well, like it or not, it has to be like that.

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