Kashmir Update

Iran’s Recent Strikes on Israel: The Key to Comprehend the Phenomenon

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On the night of 13th April, a significant military operation was carried out by Iran against Israel. It was massive; the damage inflicted was minimal—at least apparently. This event attracted widespread attention worldwide, prompting numerous commentaries and expert analyses in the media that fueled a dynamic conversation. Ranging from technicalities like the kinds of weapons/vehicles used to cost/benefit analysis of political-strategic, military gains. The conversation has some substance and insights in it, but notwithstanding their merit and value, the question I am raising here is, what truly stands out most in this operation, what is the most striking element of this operation that catches the eye immediately—the eye of the mind ? And my answer is: The operation itself, the sheer happening of it, the occurrence; everything else follows, and all the analytical comments make sense and contribute to the overall meaning only afterwards. But Why? Why is the occurrence, per se, the most important? Simple and straight: Nothing of this sort has happened before, if it is happening now, the enlightened, instant reaction should be “Hey, what is happening, what is going on here?” Isn’t it a new thing, a brand new thing in a story which is not new, has been evolving for the past over a hundred years—World Zionist Organization formed in 1897, Balfour Declaration passed in British Parliament in 1912, Jerusalem taken by British in 1917, British Mandate on Palestine 1920, and ultimately Zionist state planted in the heart of Islamic lands in 1948 after expelling the original inhabitants of the land. All these things happening without a decisive resistance as if plans were drawn up in drawing rooms by our adversaries and successfully executed on the ground, and the train of events moving forward with 1967 Zionist expansion, Oslo Accords of 1993 and 1995 with PLO surrendering claims over major Palestinian territories. In short, it was the unhindered flourishing of the Zionist project originally conceived by the British Empire towards the end of 19th century to neutralize the perceived—actual and potential—threat of Islam to the West’s global hegemony. A strategic-critical first step in this Project was the creation of the Zionist state, Israel, through collaboration with Zionist gangs in a location of great strategic importance, designed to act as a geo-political base for advancing the Zionist Project. Initially headed by Britain, the project’s leadership shifted to the United States of America after the Second World War as part of an internal restructuring of the West-dominated global order, and this continues till date. While the project was seamlessly advancing from one stage of implementation to the next—-more Arab lands were grabbed, Palestinians massacred, not just by Israel, but its regional accomplices too like Jordan (black September 1970), Christian Phalangists in Lebanon (sabra Shatila massacre 1982). Nothing was happening apart from sporadic actions by Palestine Liberation Organization who were mercilessly pushed from one country to another by the Zionist accomplices. It was not that ‘Islamic world’ was not there, everything was —Muslims—shias, sunnis and all others, Muslim states, armies , Princes and Kings, Presidents, Islamic parties like Jamati-Islami, Ikhwanul Muslimoon, ‘Jehads’ and martyrdoms (Afghan ‘Jehad’ for instance)—-all this happening but resistance to the ever advancing Zionist project was noticeably missing. Now, on 13th April, 2024, when a Muslim country—not a banana republic or a tiny unknown island—- but as big as Iran launches a massive attack on the Zionist state of Israel, that too in the wake of Israel’s ongoing murderous campaign in Gaza, should I not excitedly, and most naturally wonder ‘what is happening’? I need to make sense of this novel thing happening in history. For sure, it is not a border clash—Iran and Israel do not share one—; it is not a bilateral conflict—no such issue between the two as Kashmir between India and Pakistan. So what is it? One would say it is retaliation against what Israel earlier did to Iranian consulate in Damascus. True, that is the immediate cause, but it is not the answer; it is another question. I am not satisfied, I am not human body with animal head, I am a human being, God’s specially created creation. In the words of Imam Ali (AS) I have to be ever aware of where I came from, where I am, and where I am headed to—a three dimensional consciousness. In essence, this is what we call political awareness, and this differentiates us from animals. Witnessing a novel sight, I thought I might be dreaming, but no, I have conducted all necessary tests to confirm that I have not died and now existing in another world, nor am I sleeping. What I am witnessing is a reality of the world I am living in. So what is it? Damascus bombing was the immediate cause, but that too was driven by an underlying cause. By delving into this succession of causes, we may arrive at a conclusive answer, but perhaps, it may not be the kind of answer I am searching for: It will give a long list of causes and that will add to the repository of my information, but I am looking for knowledge and enlightenment. I want to comprehend and sense the living reality that is being highlighted by this information. My concern is understanding of my present so that I can meaningfully engage with it, I can grow from it, and in return contribute to it. I want to reach the truth through the web of facts. In other words, I want to see the fire behind multiple smoke signals—the events—, and then make sense of what this fire is, how it sheds light on, and define the era we are currently in. So, to begin with, we need information. Let us, therefore, take a cursory look at the chain of causes leading to Iran’s military operation.

13th April action was retaliation to Damascus bombing which in turn was a retaliation to Iran’s involvement in multiple anti-Israel activities carried out, in addition to Gaza and West Bank, from Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon. Skipping over the day to day happenings, and for a moment keeping aside the long standing Iran-Israel hostilities, the main and the earliest trigger in this current phase dates back to 7th October, 2023 when Hamas made a significant impact by advancing into territories within Israel. By all accounts it was a massive, mind-boggling, and the boldest ever initiative by Hamas; but prima-facie it is a mere fact, and cannot answer my question ‘What is happening’, unless the underlying reality is found out and understood. True, the operation has been a game changer, it has changed the world narrative and world politics on the issue of Palestine, nonetheless it is not the event as such, but the reality underlying it which has done so, and it is this reality which in the first place gave rise to the operation itself; operation is an expression of something very real on the ground, and we need to find out that. It can happen, as has before, that a big event may arise from nothing —no extensive planning, just a one-off adventure—- for example Pakistan’s brilliant maneuver in Kargil in occupied Kashmir in 1998 capturing India by its jugular. The operation, however, ended in fiasco because there was no comprehensive planning behind it, it was not a part of well-thought-through campaign by Pakistan to militarily bring irresistible pressure on India; if it was, Pakistan would have launched another operation learning lessons from this failed one. So what I am trying to say is that we need to examine Hamas operation along this dimension—-the reality on ground it represents. With the advantage of hindsight, we are now more comfortably placed to make some clear observations and draw conclusions.

  1. The clearest and most important observation is that six and half moths in the conflict Hamas is still at war, not fighting or exploding bombs, but standing firm before the enemy with exemplary fortitude denying it the slightest victory. Israel has killed thousands because it has guns and missiles, but has it come anywhere near  the victory? No, it has not: neither Hamas is degraded, nor a single prisoner (also called ‘hostages’) unconditionally recovered by use of force—two main victory targets set by Israel itself.
  2. The other anti-Zionist actors in the region, namely, Hizbullah in Lebanon, the Ansarullah led government in Yemen(also called ‘Houthis’), Hashd-al-Sha’bi in Iraq, have acted in a concert with superb strategic coordination bringing maximum pressure on Israel’s war machine and capability while minimizing losses to their own capacities and material assets.
  3. The people of Gaza have persevered against all brutalities with unprecedented fortitude, a mass exodus has not taken place as expected/feared.

What does (a)-(c) indicate? There is a solid reality on the ground—the reality of Resistance against the Zionist state and project.  This is something different from mere anger, and frustration which can give rise to angry outbursts, violent or heroic adventures, but those adventures do not survive the brutal aftermath, nor do they achieve any positive goals; they are not designed for the task in the first place. Resistance signifies an enlightened mental state characterized by unwavering determination and a strong will to face adverse situations and accomplish set objectives. If it did not exist, the 7th October operation would have not gone anywhere; actually it would have backfired as Israel mounted its brutal offensive.

And it is not just Resistance—a mental attitude or a sentiment—-; a system and structure of Resistance has developed. Now universally referred to as ‘the axis of Resistance’ , its various parts—Hamas and Islamic Jehad included— are operating in sync: Hizbullah is tactfully engaging Israel in the north, while Yemenis are intercepting Israeli sea traffic(any vessel with any Israeli connection) in the Red Sea, and Hashd Sha’bi  targeting US interests in Iraq. All the power thus exerted is cumulatively working in one direction, towards one goal—weakening Zionist project.

In the description of the underlying reality, I started talking about Resistance, and then I said it is more than that— an Axis of Resistance, and now I add, it is more than axis; it is a method, a time-tested successful method for political change. What Oslo Accords, Camp David, and all the other US-sponsored political activism could not deliver, Resistance has. Israel for the first time since its creation could be defeated in 2006 by Hizbullah. Put simply, Resistance is a kind of politics by other means. It has replaced the politics of subservience which was all about taking forward the Zionist Project with the political entrenchment of Israel as its primary objective. In conclusion, Resistance represents a new phenomenon in history. Gone are the days when, as said above, plans against Palestine were drawn up in the corridors of power, and comfortably executed on ground, now the case is different: on the eve of G20 Summit held in Delhi on 9/10th September, 2023, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman, and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu signed a project for the construction of a new trade route originating in western India, passing through the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, and connecting to markets in Italy, France, and Germany. Shortly after, Netanyahu boastfully declared that Tel Aviv is now poised to become a hub for world trade. Just within a month, everything came crashing down, and all the plans, as Bloomberg reported on 23/1/24, “are effectively on ice”. So we are not witnessing just the politics of resistance, we are witnessing a new historical phenomenon—things happening which did not happen before, which means it is no more a one-way traffic; the other side is also powerful now to push back, and even to initiate as Hamas did on 7th October. A phenomenon of resistance has come into being.

Now is the time to revert back to my original question ‘what is happening?’.  As Iran struck the targets in Israel, something happened which never had happened before, I am asking what should one make of it? More than getting into operational and strategic niceties of the operation, I am basically trying to understand the essence of the Moment and how it characterizes the age we are living in. Given what I have said above, you might answer ‘Iran’s attack on Israel signifies a new historical phenomenon – the emergence of Resistance. Israel’s belligerent behavior is no longer being accepted and is being actively opposed.’ This comes very close to answering my query, but does not fulfill the purpose a right answer should: It should enhance my awareness of the present so that I can fully experience it with this heightened awareness. It should provide me with a sense of the times we are living in, allowing me to truly feel and connect with it. That is only possible when I comprehend the phenomenon itself, that is, when we address the ‘what’ of the phenomenon, so far we have dealt with, albeit very briefly, with the manifestations of this phenomenon—how this is manifested through the political action of groups like Hamas etc etc, or the states like Iran.

As to the ‘what’ of the phenomenon, I did just touch that when I said the Resistance has assumed a structure by now, known as the Axis of resistance (henceforth ‘Axis’). I mentioned the groups in the Axis, but you might have noticed I left out the main party—Iran. This I did on purpose as a psychological tactic. My aim was for the reader to notice this omission, recognize it as a missing component, and then focus on it when I would eventually include it. In its exclusion earlier, and inclusion now, lies the core point that underpins my whole argument, and is the crux of the story. By excluding, I wanted to break away from the typical media depiction that automatically links Iran to any discussion about the Axis, but portrays Iran’s engagement as a classic case of a nation with regional power ambitions furthering its interests abroad, and hence fostering proxies on the ground. If this is how Iran is engaged, Iran is not a part of Axis; actually no such Axis exists. By including, I want to bring out with due emphasis the true and distinct nature of Iran’s engagement in the Axis, and the point I am making here is that if the distinct nature of Iran’s engagement in the Axis is not correctly understood, the whole story and its highlights—-13th April, 7th October, and things before that, will escape your understanding. You may be drawn in by the fascinating intricacies, but you will fail to grasp the essence of what is truly unfolding.  It will be a tragic comedy akin to mistaking surgical science for knife science: instead of getting to know some essentials about heart transplant, you will get fixated on the smallest details of forceps and scissors used in the surgery. So let us now turn to what is meant by this distinct nature of Iran’s involvement.  

At the outset, a fundamental distinction, that is missed by media and unfortunately by majority of Muslims, needs to be taken cognizance of: Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Movement for Islamic Revolution(henceforth ‘Movement’) , are two distinct entities. The latter, initiated and led by the late Imam Khomeini, and currently by Syed Ali Khamenei, is the creative agency which, while operating in the historical-political environment of Iran, produced the former. That was indeed a great inaugural success of the Movement but not the end of its creative mission and capacity; actually the Islamic Republic added manifold to the strength and powerfulness of the Movement. When it comes to Iran’s engagement with the Axis, it is basically the engagement of the Movement with the Axis which is mediated through the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is I what I call the distinct nature of Iran’s engagement with the Axis. The engagement is almost as old as the Islamic Republic itself. It may not be unreasonable to say that the Resistance was the second child of the Movement: Hizbullah, the core element in the Axis was born in 1982—only three years after the Islamic Republic. Imam Khomeini, the Leader of the Movement, publicly advocated for the rise of ‘Hizbolahi groups’ in the region in the early eighties, affirming that Iran would stand by them.  Those were the days when Saddam at the behest of United States had waged a fatal war on the young Republic and it had to battle for its survival. In such circumstances, how implausible is it that Iran, as nation-state would seek projection of national power abroad by nurturing proxies as the media narratives I earlier referred to, effectively argue. Confronting the Zionist project and the ‘World Arrogance’ (the Movement’s term for US dominated global order) —former being the flagship project of the latter—has been on the agenda of the Movement right from the start. It is therefore a very powerful bond that connects the Movement with Axis, and it might be pertinent to recall that right from 7th October, Iranian support for Palestine has been directly coming from the Supreme Leader of the Movement, Syed Ali Khamenei, with the Islamic Republic obviously fulfilling its mediatory function.

Once the truth of Iran’s unique engagement with the Axis is fully understood, an important conclusion with practical implications emerges: A complete understanding of post-1979 Palestinian politics and related developments in the region, in particular the earth-shaking events following the Hamas’s big bang leading to Iran’s action on 13th April, necessitates a thorough understanding of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the Movement, the leadership, and the worldview—-that is the key. However, I trust you do not expect me to go into all that stuff here; it will simply run into a voluminous book. But I will use this key to unlock the true answer to my question ‘what is happening?’  The answer may not be a detailed one, not full and comprehensive, but definitely a sensible answer which describes the essence of the phenomenon we witnessed on 13th April, and which means something substantial to a questioning  mind asking ‘ what is it that I am witnessing?’ And the answer is: A new world is on the horizon, the dawn broke in 1979, events have been gradually unfolding ever since, and the 13th of April marks a significant milestone. Islam has taken the centre stage of world politics, on one side it is US-led world; on the other it is Iran-led. US represents the ancient Greco-Roman paganism that was thrust upon the Christian Europe 500 years back relegating  a Great Divine Tradition, the institutions and the peoples associated with it to a position of subservience. Iran represents ‘Islam Naabi-Mohammadi’, a Persian term frequently used by both the late Imam Khomeini and the current Leader Ali Khamenei, to signify the pristine Islam of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). While the US-led camp may tout its modern and progressive values, the reality is that it is propping up tyranny. The people at large, particularly young men and women, are seeing through the game, and coming out in support of the oppressed. They may or may not love Iran, but the Cause they espouse is globally championed by the Islamic Republic of Iran with all its resources. The most significant fact is that Islam’s leadership role in safeguarding and promoting the good in this world, and advancing fundamental human values of freedom, justice and fairness is being reinstated after centuries of neglect. Leading this process of change are the Ulema— the Ayatullahs—- who have drunk deep from the primary sources of Islam in the seminaries and had no exposure to modern Western thought and culture.  More importantly, it is not just Ulema or Ayatullahs or Maulanas—-they did exist before; knowledge, piety and spirituality did—-but the great souls of the Movement who in the first place brought about Islamic Revolution of Iran, and those who are currently leading the Movement represent a rare blend of knowledge, piety, spirituality, political understanding, wisdom and competence, and a keen strategic sense. As we see new times unfolding, these are the men in driving seat, so the outcome could be far more profound than a mere change in global political order; we might be on the threshold of a complete civilizational change: moving from a money-worshipping civilization, to a God-seeking civilization.


London 01 May, 2024

About Blogger:
Dr. Syed M. Inayatullah Andrabi is the founder convenor of Mahazi-Islami, Occupied Kashmir. He is an intellectual-political activist from Srinagar, capital city of occupied Kashmir. The author can be reached at [email protected]

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