Kashmir Update

Quds Day

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Palestine issue is about the disappearance of a country from the map of the world. This happened by land grab by Zionist terrorists, under a fully thought-through, long-term strategic plan of the colonial West.

The people rendered homeless are protesting, the land grabbers are acting as a democratic state being threatened by   these protesters whom they call terrorists.

Which side the world is on? Are they supporting land grabbers or the victims of grab?  Except Iran, all support the existence of Zionist regime which as a sovereign state represents land grab and dissolution of the legitimate state of palestine. So many others ‘Muslim countries and Islamic ummah’ support Palestinian rights and a state in post-1967 boundaries,in which Zionist state gets away with the grab.

Restoration of  Palestine as it stood before the creation of the Zionist entity, is the voice of justice, Imam Khamenei said it, we support it.

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