Month: January 2020

Kashmir Update

Govt urged to refer Kashmir issue to International Court of Justice in wake of Myanmar verdict

ISLAMABAD: Senior counsel Mohammad Akram Sheikh on Thursday suggested to the federal government to refer to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) the matter of violation of human rights and lockdown of eight million Kashmiri people by Indian forces in occupied Kashmir in the wake of the top UN court’s landmark verdict against the Myanmar government in a case related to Rohingya Muslims’ genocide.

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Kashmir---Resistance is the Way Forward

Anti-colonial feminist solidarity and politics of location

This piece is an attempt to think through the complexities and disjunctures in undertaking anti-colonial feminist solidarity work, confronting our complicities in the ongoing coloniality, violence and dispossession of marginalised peoples exacerbated by the state, in which we remain invested and from which we benefit. Here I am thinking specifically of India’s actions in the Kashmir valley

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