Month: October 2019

Kashmir Update


Whatever now happens in Kashmir or is happening right now, it is officially normal. Who sets the standards of ‘normal’ and ‘normality’? The dictionary defines normalcy as the condition of being normal; the state of being usual, typical, or expected. By definition, normalcy is messy and inconsistent. The thumb rule for ‘usual’ and ‘expected’ is never the same for any two places or persons. But is there even a thumb rule to measure normalcy in Kashmir? It is a word given and it means what the rulers intend it to mean. Everything else is reality.

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Kashmir Update

China displays rock-solid support for Pakistan’s “core issue” of Kashmir

The visit by Pakistan PM Imran Khan to Beijing on October 8-9 has been a runaway success from Islamabad’s perspective. It revved up the dynamics of the China-Pakistan Economic Cooperation projects, will most certainly intensify China-Pakistan defence cooperation and, importantly, reaffirmed the whole-hearted Chinese support on Kashmir at the highest level of leadership in Beijing.

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