KashmirWanePeyndZubin Mehta

Zubin Mehta’s Planned Concert Must be Opposed: It is an Affront to the Muslim Personality of Kashmir

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Zubin Mehta, the Indian/Israeli Conductor/Music Director must not be allowed to perform in Kashmir, it is deeply offensive to our Islamic sensitivities. As has been rightly pointed out by prominent public figures like Syed Ali Shah Geelani, this concert, if held, will send wrong signals to the world that Kashmir is now absolutely peaceful. This is a valid point, and must be understood in the wider context of India’s management of Kashmir’s occupation since 1947. The so-called cultural and even educational initiatives by the government of India have always been politically motivated meant to underpin its unholy political agenda in Kashmir. However, the point Mr Geelani and others are making should not be overstretched either; Kashmir Cause has a solid foundation which cannot be dented simply by a musical event. That said, the planned concert must be opposed because there is yet another angle, more basic and significant, from which this matter should be looked at, and that is Zubin Mehta’s Zionist connection. Kashmiri Muslims who have deep religious sensitivities, and have always demonstrated their strong sentiments for the liberation of Al-Quds and Palestine cannot welcome a guest who, though born in India, holds an Israeli citizenship conferred on him because of his loyalty and love for the Zionist state. In the lines below, we will provide some basic facts to show how intimately Zubin Mehta is tied to the Zionist state:

• Zubin Mehta is associated with Israel Philharmonic Orchestra of which he was appointed Music Director for Life in 1981. As such, he is identified, all over the world, primarily as Israeli musician, and justice loving groups everywhere in the world who regard Israel an occupier state detest Zubin Mehta’s concerts. For example, last year on October 25th Zubin Mehta had to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York, but the event faced strong opposition led by a local organization ‘Adalah-NY : The New York Campaign For The Boycott Of Israel’. Prominent artists and writers were among those who signed petitions calling for the cancellation of the event. Mehta himself admitted that he was less welcome in many parts of the world now.

• Not only is Zubin Mehta an Israeli citizen, he is closely attached to the Zionist state. At the Israel Prize ceremony in 1991, Mehta was awarded a special prize in recognition of his unique devotion to Israel and to the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. He has solidly stood with the Zionist state during 1967 war cancelling his other engagements and performing to boost Israel’s morale.

• In 2005, Zubin Mehta was voted the 117th-greatest Israeli of all time, in a poll by the Israeli news website Ynet to determine whom the general public considered the 200 Greatest Israelis.

That was only a snapshot of Zubin Mehta’s Israeli personality. People crave entertainment, no one runs away from or opposes something that sooths hearts and minds. But what has Zubin Mehta to do with this, or his sponsors the Indian government and German embassy? Entertainments are not imposed, that is a contradiction in terms. This concert is being imposed with the full might of Indian army. Kashmiri people vehemently reject this fraud, and will oppose the Indo-Israeli machinations to undermine the Muslim personality of Kashmir and its freedom struggle.

About Blogger:
Dr. Syed M. Inayatullah Andrabi is the founder convenor of Mahazi-Islami, Occupied Kashmir. He is an intellectual-political activist from Srinagar, capital city of occupied Kashmir.

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4 thoughts on “Zubin Mehta’s Planned Concert Must be Opposed: It is an Affront to the Muslim Personality of Kashmir

  • Dr Younus Rather

    We strongly reject this fraud concert, it is well planned by Ind-Israeili inteligence to dilute Kashmir Issue..but puppet indian sponsored goverment agencies are in support for this event…they are not representing Kashmiri people, they all belong to occupying forces and have no relation with us…

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    I think we have still not evolved over the years and our self-styled leadership (I call them with purpose as self-styled) still doesn’t want to see the world what it is in reality. They still keep the drum beating and beating around the same bush. Zubin Mehta show, whatever is its background, is a creative endeavor and such endeavors cannot be answered by illogical hartals. What is the need of the Hartal when Zubin Mehat show is being answered by a creative show titled ‘Haqeeqat-e-Kashmir’.

  • Nasir

    Quite unfortunate event in the land called abode of saints but we kashmiris need to awaken.Perhaps we are not intellectually and spiritually elevated to the extent that we can thwart Indian designs causing our enslavement.Most of people do relish wazwan and construct palatial houses.They least bother about Zionism or Brahmanism

  • Kakaz Kay Missile

    @aijaz : you fully invited and authorized to organize your Haqeeqat e Kashmir, but unfortunately you all Mahazi left the Mahaz and sending us Paper Missiles while you live happily with your bread and butter. Aray Khuch tou Sharm Karo

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