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Afzal Guru’s Execution

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Afzal Guru’s Execution is Meant to Impose a Sense of Helplessness on Kashmiri People: Can We Rise to The Challenge and Prove We are not Helpless?

Writing about the late Afzal Guru’s hanging in Tihar jail on February, 9th 2013, Miss Arundhati Roy has rightly remarked “What sets Guru’s killing apart is that, unlike those tens of thousands who died in prison cells, his life and death were played out in the blinding light of day in which all the institutions of Indian democracy played their part in putting him to death.”( The Guardian, Sunday 10 February 2013). There are some other things as well about this execution, for example, not providing a lawyer to Mr Guru, Supreme Court basing its verdict on circumstantial evidence and the need to satisfy the collective conscience of Indian society, and to cap it all, not giving Mr Guru an opportunity to see his family before being sent to gallows. These things have been discussed widely over the media in recent days, and it is now accepted by almost one and all that India has flouted all the norms of ‘civilized’ hanging in case of Afzal Guru. What is important to note is that India could have successfully implemented the verdict of its Supreme Court without flouting all these norms. Mufti Sayeed, Patron of the Peoples Democratic Party, would have not then called India a ‘banana republic’, neither would have India’s Chief Minister in Kashmir made all the noises. The question is why did India do all this? Those within the system e.g. media, opposition, Kashmir government call it mistakes or procedural errors or something the government had to do because of internal political compulsions—-Congress outflanking BJP when it comes to fight anti-national elements.

I have given it a thought and have come to believe that:
All the apparent lapses are India’s deliberate acts. India wants to send a loud and clear signal to Kashmiri people that when it comes to the issue of freedom in Kashmir, India can be ruthless and can flout any norms with an ‘I don’t care’ attitude. This is aimed at breaking the will of Kashmiri people and making them think that India can do any and everything whereas they(Kashmiri people) can do nothing. This message is sent in a context which has three components:

First, for the past 65 years of occupation, Indian state has miserably failed to crush the freedom sentiment in Kashmir. They have exhausted all options—from sabotage and subversion through proxy regimes in Kashmir to brute military force—-nothing has worked; without 6 hundred thousand army personnel now stationed there and a very huge intelligence machinery India cannot hold on to Kashmir with a truly democratic set-up in place.

Second, India is a favourite in the present global system led by United States and Western Europe, so it can have a free hand in dealing with issues concerning its ‘sovereignty and integrity’.
Third, Pakistan has maintained a criminal silence on Guru’s execution. Not only the government, all the so-called political leaders have kept mum. Even the media has blacked it out.
In that context India has launched an aggressive war of nerves against the people of Kashmir aiming at completely breaking their will and forcing them into submission. This will not be allowed, and if the past five days are any indication, this is not going to happen, no way. Indian leaders together with their proxies in the Occupied Kashmir seem to be realizing they had misread the situation. They killed Guru because they knew at this point in time uprising is not part of the scripted freedom politics in Kashmir executed by Hurriyat and the like. However, they failed to appreciate the genuineness of peoples’ freedom sentiment, and the fact that Guru’s murder will definitely shake the people. It is not absolutely certain what turn the events will take in the coming days, but this is our collective responsibility, a historic one, to make sure that India pays for the crime it has committed. When we say that, it is often taken to mean that there should be a violent retaliation, but it is not just that, what it essentially means is, people of Kashmir must not take it lying down, India will then hang everyone of us. It has everything in place— police, courts, jails and gallows.

About Blogger:
Dr. Syed M. Inayatullah Andrabi is the founder convenor of Mahazi-Islami, Occupied Kashmir. He is an intellectual-political activist from Srinagar, capital city of occupied Kashmir.

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8 thoughts on “Afzal Guru’s Execution

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    It was indeed a tragedy that is hard to express. I was astounded by the role played by none other than the Supreme Court of India. A pure ruthless decision was made by the highest court of India. It is a matter of concern for all the conscious minds of the world across all countries that highest court of India played to please the galleries. What would one construe about the justice system that is being cultivated in India?

    Afzal Guru was not murdered by the army but by the Supreme court of India. With this murder the human conscious has been brutalized. How inhuman? A soul without a fair trial becomes a political murder.

  • Ibnshah

    It is the begining of the DAJJAL fitnah, when right will be proven wrong, wrong will be proven right, innocent will be proven guilty, and guilty will be set free.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    The criminal silence of Pakistan is worrying factor too. Even the opposition did not speak about the murder committed by Indian Supreme Court. Media has been too harsh to ignore it keeping in view the same Pakistani media offered undue coverage to the death of Bollywood yesteryears star Rajesh Khanna. Isn’t alarming for kashmiris? It seems Pakistan including its establishment have decided to let India enjoy the free run or have Pakistani become more opportunists.

    Isn’t time that Kashmir introspects and chalks out their own strategy away from the jaws of Pakistani influence? The sooner it happens the better for Kashmir and its future.

  • Shiekh Tariq

    This is a ripe time for kashmiris to do some fine tuning in their attitudes, i mean spiritual attitudes.

  • Ibn Qadir

    Lets not have any hope from either the Pakistani Politicians or their media. Even when Gaza was being bombarded they were interested in the health of Bal Thakray and made no mention of killings till 4 days had passed. Plus it is a matter of fact that most of their mainstream media houses like Dawn and express Tribune are run by Qadiyanees and hence funded by US and that is the reason we have seen a lot of articles on these news sources cropping up against the Islamic teachings like against the Sacrificial of animals for Eid uz Zuha and many more.

  • Aijaz Ahmed

    @Ashok Kaul
    Indian media, the so called media, potrayed him and others in the case as criminals from the day one. The same interview was conducted when he was forced by the pathetic Delhi police. That is where the problem of Indian is that their supreme court would offer a decision to satisfy the general masses not for the justice.
    How would one construe this case? The mastermind, as claimed by biased Indian meda, was acquitted by the same Supreme Court. What does Indian media wants to convey to the world? The mastermind was acquitted and the one who has been held on filmy evidence has been put to gallows

  • Suhail Zaydi

    @Ashok kaul…The Aaj Tak News agency should hire more intelligent sound synchronising artists…Their version of lip-syncing doesn’t help here..LOL

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