Month: October 2011


Kashmir Aspires for Deep Introspection!

Kashmir is in tangled mess created by all the stakeholders involving the camp known by the name Freedom camp. Let us embrace the fact and the fact of the matter is that this mess was initiated by none other than by those who claim to be the champions of the ‘Kashmir cause’. The current movement has its genesis from the later part of 1989 when a group of men or groups of men just created a hullabaloo and set the tune in for this movement. With this the foundation stone of the chaos and confusion was laid down.

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Kashmir, Ultra Nationalists And Path To Peaceful Solution

The condemnable attack on Supreme Court Lawyer and ‘team Anna’ member Prashant Bhushan on 12th October 2011, threw up many a questions. To begin with the attackers were congratulated by ‘ultra Nationalists’ like Bal Thackeray of Shiv Sena, showing the gross intolerance around certain issues in our society, more particularly those related to Kashmir and other issues being raised by those who have been practicing the sectarian politics. It does reflect the growing intolerance in the society without doubt.

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