That Was The Day

India’s Occupation Began With Murder!

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The sun rises every day from the horizon of eastern sphere of universe and uncovers the mute darkness to the serene morning of hope, dignity, self-esteem and justice for all the creatures of the world. However, on 27th Oct six decades ago, the morning as usual was serene and nurturing the life when suddenly at 9:30 it was bustled and tyrannized when illegal Indian army landed at the Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) airport. The mornings thereafter have not ceased to appear, they do appear as they ought to follow the universal laws but their appearances have been laden with despair, ignominy, insecurity and unjustness.

Paradise of Earth (Kashmir) blossomed in each season it encountered and offered anew picture of her in each of the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. However, a Tsunami struck to it on the morning of 27th Oct 1947 and engulfed it in a season known as illegal Indian Occupation and has been battling against it since then.

The morning of 27th Oct 1947 unfolded the face of fraud to the hospitable and innocents of Kashmir executed by none other than the Indian political stalwarts of Nehru, Gandhi and company. The extreme irony and most unfortunate of this political fraud was the involvement of the Kashmir’s tallest leader, Sheikh Abdullah. It would make another debate what let Sheikh Abdullah to fall into the trap thereby deceiving his own people who were regarded as simple, homely and straight-forward. The aspects (good or bad) of Sheikh Abdullah’s life would require another debate to dabble around, however, his share of mistakes turn to a disaster for the people who bestow faith unto him. Everyone does have his or her own share of mistakes and leaders are no exception to it. However, certain mistakes of a leader can bring catastrophe and misfortunes to the people who he or she represents and unfortunately Sheikh Abdullah belongs to this league of leaders. How rightly poet of East has summed it up,

“Lamhon ne khata ki thi
Sadiyon ne sazaa payee”

The events that shaped up the morning of 27th Oct 1947 are there for people of all shades of thought – young and old to peek into and dig deep to know the realities and the truth. Sheikh Abdullah and his coterie would have made people of Kashmir believe that Indians arrival would just be for maintenance of law and order situation and restoration of peace, which was disturbed through out the sub continent. As Srinagar based senior columnist Zahiruddin writes that scores of people had gone to Srinagar airport to welcome the Indian army in the morning of 27th Oct 1947. They knew nothing about what Indian army had in store for their celebrations. The entire celebrations turned to funeral as Indian army fired indiscriminately just after landing their illegal feet on the ground of the airport. As many as 19 kashmiri people’s existence was sealed by the arrived Indian army. Thus, Indian occupation began with the murder of inhabitants of Kashmir. The colored face of Indians from peace lovers to peace mongers got revealed in just a jiffy when they landed here in Srinagar. This would definitely have sent chilled shivers down the spine of Sheikh Abdullah, who at that time was at the historical Lal Chowk engaging public by his unique style of dupe to cover his unjust actions.

Right from the morning of 27th Oct 1947 the brutality of Indian occupation is on rampage with murder, violence and terror. The chastity of Kashmir society has been attacked by the evils of Indian occupation engulfing our sisters and mothers as well. Kashmir has become a playing field for Indian occupational forces to execute mayhem, carnage and homicide. The forces are toying with the symbols of chastity and honor on daily basis from the direct orders of the corridors of power in New Delhi, India.

“Truth always triumphs”. This is the message of Universe that allows history to flow and nations to flourish despite fighting odd battles of occupation and dehumanization. Mornings will keep appearing from the East because universe follows its universal laws. A morning will definitely appear from the horizon of the East that will seal the fate of illegal Indian occupation and will let the serenity of life to blossom.

About Author:
Ajaz Khan is a Solutions Architect and hails from Srinagar, Occupied Kashmir. He can be reached at [email protected].

Majlis-Shura, Mahazi-Islami, Srinagar, Occupied Kashmir

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