Month: April 2010

That Was The Day

Shawl weavers’ sacrifice

While the world commemorates the sacrifice of a few Chicago labourers on May 3, nobody makes even a mention of the sacrifices offered by Kashmiri shawl weavers on April 29, 1865 at Zaldagar.

On May 3, people across the globe commemorate the sacrifices offered by labourers at Chicago. On May 3, 1886 labourers took out a procession to press their demands. One labourer was killed when police opened fire at the demonstrators. On the following day (May 4) a protest demonstration was staged at Hay Market Square by the labourers. A bomb was hurled at the police men. Seven of them died on the spot and around 70 sustained injuries. In retaliatory action a few labourers also got killed.

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