Month: April 2009

MI Publications - English

Sajjad Lone has Shot Himself in the Foot

Mr Sajjad Ghani Lone of Peoples Conference has now decided to migrate from Freedom politics to Puppet politics by announcing to participate in the Indian held elections. He was absolutely right when he said “I’m too little to deliver a blow to separatism”. In these lines, I am not going to comment on Mr Lone’s decision as such, but would like to make a point of wider relevance, relevant to Mr Omar Abdullah as well, with reference to this decision.

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MI Publications - English

Maulana Showkat Ahmed Shah Owes an Apology to all the Muslims

I have read with great shock the Friday Khutbah, Maulana Sowkat Ahmed Shah, President of Jamiat-e-Ahlihadess delivered at Gowkadal mosque Srinagar on 27/03/09. The Maulana quoted a hadith (saying) of the most beloved Prophet Mohammad(SAAW) to emphasize his point that stone pelting is prohibited in Islam, and hence the Muslim protesters in Kashmir should not throw stones on Indian armed forces which effectively includes the Indian Army, CRPF, BSF and the puppet Kashmir police. In this brief write up I intend to raise some points of fundamental nature with wider significance, obviously with reference to the cited hadith, but not focussing on the hadith as such. This is what our long standing friend, Professor(Dr) Massa’ari, a prominent Saudi dissident now living in exile in London will do after I finish my own part.

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