Month: December 2008


Changing the ME equation

“The equation must change, and it is about to change,” said Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni shortly after the bombing of Gaza started on Saturday. “We cannot allow Gaza to remain under Hamas control,” she said. “Israel cannot allow Hamas to terrorise its citizens by firing Qassam rockets…. This cannot go on, we must change the equation and we are going to change it.”

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When Us Means Muslims… Must They Hate Us So?

This is in response to Mr. Patrick French’s piece “They Hate Us—and India Is Us,” published in the New York Times on December 8, 2008. The trouble with pieces like Mr. French’s (and mainstream western media is inundated with such voices) is that they only show half the picture. And then they wonder why after seven years into the “war on terror” we are arguably worse off than when we began.

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