Month: March 2005

MI Publications - English

A Tribute to the Late Pir Hussamuddin Advocate

Time and place determine the value of a thing. A carpet, for example, placed in a showroom at London or New York is a much more valued item than the same in a showroom at Srinagar. Not only place, time also makes difference: the same carpet if put on sale in peak season would fetch much more than it would in an off-peak season. That, however, is the realm of inanimate things whose value and worth lies in the eyes of beholder, one would not normally say the same thing about animate beings, much less about humans. Human beings have an intrinsic value and dignity, independent of external appreciation. However, that does not mean time and place do not have any relevance here; they are very much relevant, in a different way though, and yet again, in a much more crucial way.

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