Month: June 2000

MI Publications - English

A Word to All Freedom-Loving Forces of Kashmir

National Conference’s recent move of passing the so-called autonomy resolution could be easily ignored as a non-event, but what merits attention are the motives behind this futile exercise. Anyone in his or her normal senses will have absolutely no doubts about the fact that the exercise not only had a positive nod from Delhi, but was actually carried out on the behest of it: National Conference (NC) merely obeyed instructions from Delhi, and staged a noisy drama. The question that must be addressed is what is the game plan of the Brahmin establishment in Delhi? After liquidating a full generation of Kashmiri Muslim youth, what is the state of India up to? In the following lines let us look at some possible answers, and in the light of that, our response.

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MI Publications - English

A Brief Introduction to: World Conference on Kashmir

Mahazi-Islami, Occupied Kashmir, in collaboration with Al-Ansar, UK is organising a one-day world Conference on Kashmir in July, 2000 in London. A conference paper entitled ‘A Case for Holding World Conference on Kashmir’ describing, in some detail, the need, objectives and the themes for discussion, has been written by Dr Syed Inayatullah Andrabi, Convenor-in-exile, Mahazi-Islami, Occupied Kashmir, and is available on request. The conference will be the first of its kind, in the sense that it will seek to focus on the issues instead of mere events (Indian excesses or the heroic acts of mujahideen) in a non-partisan and rational way.

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