Month: April 1999

MI Publications - English

NATO Strikes: Exploring the Truth and identifying the Lessons

There has been a mixed reaction, in general and, in particular, among Muslims, to the recent NATO strikes against Serbia. This has ranged from rejoicing to suspicion—–rejoicing at Milosevic, the Serb dictator being targeted, and suspicion on why NATO is doing what it is. We need to have a very clear understanding of this affair, and go beyond the facts to discover the underlying truth. This is absolutely essential, if only one wishes to really live as opposed to merely exist in this world. The late Dr Ali Shariati—-Iranian born Muslim intellectual—- rightly said once that ‘to be in twentieth century is not to live in twentieth century’. Life involves a conscious, a perceptive living. In order to live one has to be conscious and aware not only of one’s self, but one’s surrounding environment—- political, social, intellectual etc.etc. This is one of the conditions for survival, for individuals as well as for societies and civilizations.

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